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You are the one I dreamed of, the one i've been waiting for, the one that I want, the one that I Love and the one that I am going to spend the rest of my life with. I know in my heart that we are meant to be. Ever since you came into my life you have brightened it by 100% , you have showed me a love that I never knew existed. I love the way you are with me. I love the way you love me, how sweet and caring you are, how romantic you are, and how you want me. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again lover. I can't wait to kiss you with all of this passion that I have been building up inside of me since being away from you. Thank You Honey for loving me the way that you do and for letting me love you. I can't wait to be with you forever. I want so much to take care of you and to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Like a King!
Your Sweet American Princess
~Keri~ <bgsound src="" loop=infinite>

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