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You should see how many nights I wake up in the middle of my sleep and reach out for you I Miss You even in my dreams - Keri
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I have found a love like no other. There are no words to describe the way I feel when I am with you. Even though we are apart right now, our hearts are always together. Whether you are near or far I am always thinking of you and how much I love you. You are my one and only love,
my best friend, and my soulmate.
I Love You

Amidst life's trials, burdens and uncertainties, there lies the light. That light is our HOPE that will always keep us coping and going. Always hang onto our dreams and plans.
For as long as we're hanging onto our dreams,
that light will be brighter each day.

Do you know what I Miss Most?
Just cuddling up next to you and enjoying your warmth.

The More I Miss You
The More I Need You
The More I Love You

I dedicated myself to such a wonderful human being.
You make me feel happy and give me life.

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