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Robert Moore's accounts


Historical facts about Wellsburg (Brooke Co) WV

In an old account or ledger book, dated JANUARY 20, 1809 and belonging to ROBERT T. MOORE of Charlestown, Brooke County, state of Virginia, a small bit of our area history has come to life.

This old book was made of very strong linen paper, watermarked "Amies and Company, Brandywine" bound with leather back and board sides, the entire book being very browned and yellowed with age.

Mr. Moore kept a very accurate ledger, being very careful in explaining his dealings and distinguishing by some title his customers. There are, by actual count, one thousand and one names in the index, many of them probably ancestors of people now residing here or in the vicinity.

Mr. Moore seems to have had a general hide and leather business in connection with a tannery, the tannery being located at the southeast corner of Third and Commerce streets, where his residence also stood. Among his sales are mentioned such items as harness leather, "bridle rains", horse collars, line and sand, shingles, "upper leather", "soal leather", saddle bags, bacon, "scandling" pine planks, and cordwood.

The valuables beside cash received in payment were such things as hay, wheat at 53 cents per bushel, apples at 20 cents per bushel, beehives at $2.00 each, a cow at $14.00, a barrel of "cyder" at $2.00, "rye" at $4.00 per gallon, buckwheat at 21 1/2 cents per bushel, rye straw at 3 cents per bundle, lime at 15 cents per bushel, butter at 10 cents per pound, corn at 33.3 cents per bushel, 1 dozen pigeons at 25 cents, 1 gallon honey at $1.00, 1 "pig in market", 1 bearskin holster cover, digging coal at 3 cents per bushel, eggs 6 cents per dozen. BENJAMIN CASS, fuller is credited with ""fulling and dyeing 13 yards linsey at 12 1/2 cents per yard". His business covered Wheeling, Ohio State, Washington County, West Liberty and other places at a distance being frequently given with names of customers.

Possibly some of the following did not live in Wellsburg, but from the writer's apparent constant habit of giving the address of customers out of town, it is presumed that where no address was given, a citizen of the town or near neighborhood was meant. Some lines of industry are named which are unknown now, such as "stiller, "fuller", "pump-borer". Here is the list:

Isaac Newton, Stone Mason; John Burns, Stillar; John Cox, Sheriff of Brooke County; John Connell, Clerk of Brooke Court; James Young "Old Man"; John Roney, School Master; Thomas Grimes, Inn Keeper; James Shanklin, Cord Winder; Sunningham Scott, Carpenter; Marney Sedwick, Tanner; Peter Sole, Dutch Butche; George Snider, Saddler; Joshua Smithfield; Blacksmith; John Hughes, Blacksmith; Andrew Snider, Hatter; Thomas Ray, Shoemaker; James Moran, Stiller; Isaac Jones, Chairmaker; John Lunch, Coal Digger; Joshua Everett, Cooper; Alpheus Ferron, Shoemaker; William Coalman, School Master; John Musterd, School Master; John Wilson, School Master; Moses Handlin, School Master; Samuel Baxter, Carpenter; Henry Adams, Waggoner; John Brown, Merchant; John Russell, Captain; William Nesbitt, Captain; George Fetter, Merchant; John Moore, Miller; William Williams, "Drunkard"; William Caldwell, Carpenter; James and Samuel Caldwell, Masons; Nancy, "Married to William Hall"' Aaron Kain, Blacksmith; Michael Andrew, Barber; Andrew Richy, School Master.

Jesse Edgington, Lawyer; T. Wilson,"Old Maguire's Son-in-law"' Thomas Tarr, Shoemaker; Peter Tarr, Blacksmith; Samuel Meguhen, "Orator"; George Amick, Wagon Maker; Philip Lukis, Cooper; William Dexon, Painter; Henry Linn, Tanner; John Bowman, Miller; Thomas McCray, Drayman; Isaac McCammit, Tailer; James Edgar, Inn Keeper; Richard Tolbert, "Esquire"; Avel Robison, Preacher; James Marshall, Tavern Keeper; Alexander Marks, Taylor; Joeph Doddridge, Doctor; Daniel Jones, Cloth Maker; Samuel Williamson, Fuller; John Brady, Cooper (Barney's son); Robert Forsythe, Weaver; Benjamin Boyd, Teacher; Nicholas Heddington, Minister; Jacob Reakerd, Pump Borer; John Bowman, Junior (Cooper); William Wright, Butcher.


Brooke County Genealogy