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These are notes copied from our Court Order books: Spelling is as found in records!!

Ordered that George Cox, John Cuppy, Jacob Cochran, John Swearingen, Samuel Ellis and William Brown be recommended to His Excellency the Governor and Council as fit persons for Justices of the Peace in this County of Brooke

Ordered that Hugh Pugh surveyor of a District of Roads in this county be authorized and required to cut out the road leading from Peter Peterson mill to the Ohio River thru the lands of Benjamin Jackson agreeable to a review made by Hugh Pugh, John Cuppy and John Buckey, round the lower flat and that the said surveyor be directed in cutting said road through the field of S’d Johnson by John Cuppy

Deed from Isaac Taylor and Massey his wife to Abraham Cuppy for two hundred and six acres of land in Jefferson County in the territory North West of the river Ohio is acknowledged in Court by Isaac Taylor and ordered to be certified to the Court of Jefferson County

(this would be the area where Steubenville, Ohio is located

(Copy given) On motion of John Cuppy and for reasons appearing to this Court ordered that the public ferry established from the lands of the said John Cuppy on the Ohio River to the opposite shore be discontinued

It appearing to the Court from the affidavit of Mary Malone & John Cuppy that Alexander Stevenson, Gentleman of this county on the night of the 5th day of February now last past being a citizen and inhabitant of this county went upon the line dividing this state from Pennsylvania within the said county of Brooke or within the county of Washington in the said state of Pennsylvania and then & there celebrated the rites of matrimony between Grafton Baker Carpenter and Anne Cuppy an infant daughter of the said John Cuppy then and being since residing in the said county & with and under his care and protection of the said John Cuppy her father, without the consent of the said John and without license or publication regarding to the forms of any Church the said Alexander Stevenson having no authority to celebrate the rights of matrimony

It is thereupon ordered that a summons do issue against the said Alexander Stevenson Gentleman returnably here on the first day of the next term to show cause why an information should not be thereupon filed against him for a high crime and misdemeanor

If you have any information that you would like to add to this…please send it E Mail to us and we will be glad to include it.

Please see PUBLICATIONS for information regarding the court order books.


Brooke County Genealogy