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Medicine Circle-An Image of Shamanic Totems

Take a long, slow, deep breath. Find that quiet place inside yourself. Go into your place of inner vision. Imagine yourself as an ancient Shaman sitting on the top of a tall, sacred cliff at sunset.

You face the west and feel the last warm rays of the sun as it sinks below the horizon. You honor the west as the place of sacred dreams and inner vision, balance and self-healing.

You have come to this sacred cliff to seek totems for your inner wisdom. These totems may never have form on your Earth Walk planes. These totems may come to you only in your place of inner vision. They will be totems of great power, And will bring you gifts of self, gifts of nature, and gifts of spirit.

These totems may be your special secret Medicine, kept sacred in your heart. These totems may reflect your higher self in balance. These totems may form your inner Medicine Circle, your circle of self-healing, your Sanctuary of source.

The evening sun sets behind the horizon, leaving a veil of twilight in its place. In this quiet time between the world of day and the world of night, you call your sacred medicine circle together. This circle represents your inner powers-known only to yourself, shared with no one. You make your own medicine.

Still facing the West, you call forth your sacred inner totem from the West. This is your DreamSpeaker totem. This totem calls forth images of wisdom from your inner vision. Let this totem emerge in your inner vision. This totem carries the water of your water, the depth of your inner most emotions. This is your DreamSpeaker self-connector.

Take all the time you need to communicate with your totem. When you are ready, turn to face the North.

Facing the North, you call forth your sacred inner totem from the North. This is your Elder totem. This totem calls forth your helping guides to sacred wisdom. Let this totem emerge in your inner vision.This totem carries the Earth of your waters, the wisdom of your intuition....This is your Elder self-connector.

Take all the time you need to communicate with your totem. When you are ready, turn to face the East.

Facing the East, you call forth your sacred inner totem from the East. This is your sacred clown totem. This totem calls forth divine humor and inspiration. Let this totem emerge in your inner vision.This totem carries the Air of your water, the creativity of your inner balance. This is your sacred Clown self-connector.

Take all the time you need to communicate with your totem. When you are ready, turn to face the South.

Facing South, you call forth your sacred inner totem from the south. This is your Guardian totem. This totem calls forth healing harmony in all aspects of yourself. Let this totem emerge in your inner vision. This totem carries the Fire of your water, the protection of your self-healing. This is your Guardian Self-connector.

Take all the time you need to communicate with your totem. When you are ready, turn to face the West once more.

Stand facing the West. Now slowly look upward and call forth your inner totem from Spirit. This is your Creator totem. This totem calls forth the depths of your soul consciousness. Let this totem emerge in your inner vision. This totem carries the Spirit of your water, the gifts of your sacred dreams. This is your creator self-connector.

Take all the time you need to communicate with your totem. When you are ready, lean down and touch the Earth.

Touching the Earth, call forth your sacred inner totem from the Earth. This is your Sacred Mother totem. This totem calls forth nurturance from the inner mother. Let this totem emerge in your inner vision.This totem carries the Heart of your water, the compassion of your inner knowing. This is your Sacred Mother self-connector.

Take all the time you need to communicate with your totem. When you are ready, go deeper inside yourself to find your quiet place.

In your quiet place, call forth your sacred inner totem of self-image. This is your Magic Lake totem. This totem calls forth self-recognition from within. Let this totem emerge in your inner vision. This totem carries the reflection of your water, the strength of introspection. This is your Magic Mirror self-connector.

Take all the time you need to communicate with your totem. When you are ready, stand and face the West once more. Give honor to the West, place of inner visions, healing balance, and sacred inner wisdom.

Honor all of your totems in your medicine circle for the qualities they represent and for the elements they balance in yourself.

Allow yourself to return slowly from the quiet place of within. Know that you carry the energy of your sacred inner totems within your heart. Know that your Medicine Circle is always there for your Journey. Return to present time and place. Go in balance.

There are 7 directions, not 4:South, West, North, East, up(Spirit), Down(Earth), And Within(Self) Also there is a left and right side.

The Right side: This animal protects your male side and teaches you that, no matter where you turn, it will be your Father-protector within. This Animal also carries your courage and Warrior spirit.

The left Side: This animal is the protector of your female side and teaches you that you must learn to receive abundance as well as to nurture yourself and others. The left-side animal is also your teacher about relationships and mothering.

(To learn more about this Read : In The Shadow of the Shaman/By:Amber Wolf)

(Use at least one totem from each world).

Find yourself a medicine bag that can hang around your neck. Place in this bag one of each item.

Mineral World--A stone, any kind you feel drawn to except a crystal or gem.

Animal World--A small feather, bit of fur, claw, whiskers, rabbit tails, wings of butterflies, snake skin.

Plant World--Dried flowers, leaves, herbs, interesting twigs or roots.

Human World--Personal charms, buttons, hair, chains, locket, tiny figures, such as miniatures from games and models.

Add a seed or a nut for growth, Add a crystal or gemstone for spirit, Add a colored marble, bead, or ribbon for your special color.

Let no one see or touch your bag or its contents.


The Infinite FamilyThe Sun, the Moon, the Sky and the Earth.

The Great MysteryThe Infanite Essense of Life in all things.

Canandaigua"The Chosen Place"

HodenosauneeThe People of the Longhouse.

The LonghouseThe family residence with bunks on each side and fire in the center.

Onodawaga;The Senecas, keepers of the Western Door of the symbolic Longhouse.

Four WindsThe four directions.

The SunGrandfather Sun.

The MoonGrandmother Moon.

The SkyFather Sky.

The EarthMother Earth.

Vibral CoreSolar Plexus, the feeling center of being.

UniworldThe movement of all Universal bodies energized into wholeness.

MedicineSpiritual Energy.


Good MedicineGood Energy.


Da NahoIt has been said.

Nyah weyThank You.

SwenioThe living spirit(energy) in all entities.

Medicine ClansSpiritual Tribal subdivisions.

ClansFamily names, relatives, common Ancestors.

Within the WithinThe foundation of Truth.

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