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Bev Kelly writes to "reach" and "touch" lives; she was a frequent speaker for women's groups, Women's Aglow, and Bible Study teacher etc. Her books, whether fiction OR non-fiction, are easy to follow; her Bible studies accurate.

Christian Author & Speaker
Tabernacle of Moses Furniture
Inspirational Romances & Helps for Women, BIBLE STUDIES for adults and teens!


Click for Knapp, Wisconsin Forecast

BIBLE STUDIES-- A fresh look at PSALM 119 and the TEN COMMANDMENTS revived!



PURE GOLD--Inspirational Romance 1st CHAPTER ADDED!

MARCIE--Touching story NEW! 1st CHAPTER ADDED!

UNSUNG HEROES--At Last, Help for Women!
Subjects listed below. A necessary book for all women and college students!


Lassie with Author & Speaker Bev Kelly

TESTIMONY & Questions Answered

Pastor Jim and Lassie!

Tabernacle of Moses Display

How long does it take to weave a 15' curtain?

See a "Winter" in Wisconsin!

Gospel Chalk Art


Beverly Byington Kelly and "Lassie" -- Lassie came to the Kelly's when she was 6 weeks old, she was 12 years old in the picture, and 114 lbs! They say that Collies are one of the few dogs that are 'cute' as a puppy, and 'beautiful' when mature.

Bev and Lassie on a beach at Lake Michigan.

Whether in the city, country, or indoors, Beverly gathers information for her books. Lassie is featured in PURE GOLD.

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MANY ASK Beverly where she gets her ideas to write the novels. The first answer must include the 'change' in Beverly. When she was 33 she knelt in prayer and said, "Take me, Use me, Lord" -- and -- Jesus did, and is still doing, just that! Born Again, Spirit Filled, just like it says in the scriptures.

Having been an avid reader before receiving Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I would also be an avid reader after. BUT I had to change my reading materials! I quickly discovered there were not enough Christian writers to fill the 'need' of a 'reader'. It was then the Lord began to put ideas and thoughts and stories in my heart. Often during worship times, the Lord will give me just what I need for a certain point in a story I am working on.

The second answer to: "WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR IDEAS?" -- "Look around you!" While my husband is putting gasoline in our car, I pray for people at the pumps, and get ideas of different characters; if he is on a hospital visit and I am waiting in the lounge, I watch the people and 'see' characters. The plots are just thoughts that come from scriptures, or different situations we have come across, and a very VIVID IMAGINATION as to 'how things could be'! Then I get alone with God, and write.

My husband is an excellent Bible Teacher/Preacher [see last half of page] and I am an avid note-taker, so any 'wisdom' I have put in the books goes to the Glory of our Lord, and thanks for the husband He gave me! I am still humbled and amazed at what an affect these books have had on the lives of so many, much to MY amazement! Over and over, our Savior and Lord proves He IS an Awesome God! My husband was a Telephone man at the time Jesus became 'real' in our lives, and within six years the Lord moved him from his full-time Telephone Co. Job [of 18 years] to pastoring!

The BOOKS are in 'some' Christian book stores, advertized in CHARISMA MAG., Christian newspapers, and at Barnes & Noble.

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LEMUEL -- A Love Story [Means "Devoted to God"] and the name is found in Proverbs 31. SORRY--THIS BOOK IS SOLD OUT!This is the most popular of Bev's books, and some have purchased as many as 15 copies to give as gifts! THIS BOOK IS SOLD OUT! Beverly has received letters saying she should give a box of 'Kleenix' tissues with each book. This is "historical" fiction, written in the period after the death/resurrection of Jesus. You will read about Andrew, Peter, Simon the Tanner and of course, LEMUEL. Lemuel is born blind to a Jewish family during the turmoil of the early church. Readers say they "feel the touch of the Master's Hand" as they read, and "often have to wipe tears from their eyes as they turn the pages." The author had a German Shepherd, LADY, and this is part of the story.
198 pgs,SORRY... SOLD OUT!
ISBN 0-9627838-2-X

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PURE GOLD--A modern love story, 2nd in popularity to LEMUEL. Some readers have purchased more than 10 copies to give as gifts! PURE GOLD is the story of a reporter who meets a National News Anchor and they fall in love. The News Anchor is led to the Lord through the witness and death of a policeman friend. The 'test' of their faith, commitment and love will bring tears to the reader's eyes and a recommitment to not compromise. This story vividly reveals the purpose of trials in the Christian's walk. LASSIE is featured in this story along with NY, Olympics Portland, OR. Readers comment they can relate to problems, and characters in the story.
Bev and Jim were trained as Law Enforcement Chaplains in Carol Stream, IL and volunteered as chaplains to the police in Wisconsin. Some of her experiences in this area are written into PURE GOLD. Beverly respects the police as "God's Ministers" [Romans 13:6], and this book has been used by several as encouragement.
Originally I intended the books for women, but God had greater plans, for MEN and teens have also enjoyed them [according to the feed-back]. One husband, while reading PURE GOLD would stop, look at his wife and say, "Honey, you know that I love you, don't you?" She responded 'yes,' and after doing this several times, her curiosity was really aroused. THEN she read PURE GOLD herself and found out why! This same husband also began to send his wife flowers every month, and 'court' her all over again!
PURE GOLD: 274 PGS $12.00 includes shipping in USA
ISBN 0-9627838-0-3

To read the 1st Chapter of PURE GOLD, Click here!

Beverly often goes to nursing homes while her husband visits residents, and brings Lassie to cheer up and revive old memories. Lassie is pictured here with Bev's Mom at her 'second home' when Beverly and Jim are away on speaking engagements. She is 'helping' crochet a center piece.

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MARCIE--A touching story of a young orphaned girl and how she finds peace in the midst of her loneliness. This story is great for encouraging those who have friends/relatives who have backslidden from their commitment to Christ. It is a beautiful story about learning to pray and keeping the Gospel simple. Though we live in a land where there is 'freedom of religion,' there are many who have not been set 'free' and do not know Jesus as Lord!

MARCIE 102 pgs $6.00 includes shipping in USA
ISBN 0-9627838-1-1


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UNSUNG HEROES -- A non-fiction book of HELPS FOR Women!

According to news on 700 Club, TBN, the church will play a vital roll in the "year 2000" and beyond -- is YOUR church ready? Are your church families ready? UNSUNG HEROES will help YOU get the families ready for this exciting time ahead! UNSUNG HEROES will help you, as a woman, to be prepared for everything the "enemy" throws at you, and will help you to lead others to victory.

This book has chapters dealing with your home, your ministry in the church, and every aspect that affects a woman as a Christian. PORTIONS OF THIS BOOK HAVE BEEN TAUGHT AT FAMILY CAMPS!

  1. "How to Behave in the House of God" [church etiquette--for ADULTS as well as children! Can you imagine 'enjoying' sitting with your toddlers?]
  2. About the Other Woman [wayward husbands] and how to encourage your husband. Must all infidelity end in divorce?
  3. Raising Cain or Ambassadors [protecting what our children hear and see, shocking information about 'children's programs]
  4. Spiders & Bats [about being God's little helper]
  5. It's A good Fight! [taking back the ground we've lost] This chapter helps you set up guidelines for whether it is a 'hand-out' or a ministry! When to say 'no' or open the storehouse
  6. The PLOM Party [the Pentecostal pity-party]-- how to have victory over the 'blues'.
  7. Mad at the Devil [dressing up or dressing down]A look at what is happening to our "witness".
  8. Killing the Sacred Cow [is your halo bent]
  9. Waiting for the Other Shoe to Fall [accepting rejection]
  10. How to be A Vagabond and Survive [where did I pack the potato ricer?]
  11. Unsung Hero [man may forget, but not God]
  12. In Love With My Pastor [see how they love one another]
  13. Pick Rocks for Him [the real reason we married]
  14. Who Said 24 Hours Were Enough? [redeeming your time]
  15. Epilogue [a personal note from the author]

    UNSUNG HEROES 169 pgs $8.00 includes shipping in USA
    ISBN 0-9627838-3-8

    ORDER Unsung Heroes HERE Be sure to order extra copies if you plan to teach this to a group. FREE Bible guide for leader included for easy reference.

    READERS have said "I wish I had this book to give to my daughter when she was in Bible School!"
    "Often I find myself returning to the pages of UNSUNG HEROES for encouragement"
    "My feeling of being a failure is gone"
    "This is a book I will keep for myself and give copies to friends"
    "I want to teach some of these things to our church families"

    BIBLE STUDIES! PSALM 119 is brought to life! Verse by verse study of the longest Psalm, longest chapter in the Bible. Each section of 8 verses is divided by a Hebrew letter. The MEANING of this letter and the verses is explained and you are shown how to apply it to daily life. 48 pages. May be used as 'self-instruction' and/or to teach adults. $15.00 includes shipping [USA only]. "Same-day" shipping; send personal check or money-order.

    TEN COMMANDMENTS! Why teach the "Ten Commandments" to New Testament Christians? 80% of people fall away from their Christian faith, without the law. Ever wonder why so many respond to altar calls, but never 'follow through' on their commitment? This study is appropriate for self-study or to teach to ADULTS and TEENS. You do not need a copy for each student. This study takes each commandment and breaks it down to "understandable" and "do-able" commands that are a JOY to obey! Jesus said He came to "fulfill the law" ... show your students how to live a victorious Christian life! $15 includes shipping in USA; Same-day shipping, send check or money-order to address below.

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    ORDERING INFORMATION: Shipping IS included in the above prices in the USA! The fastest, most economical and "autographed" copies are obtained from the author, ordered at the address below. Please send a check or money order for the books to:

    Beverly Kelly
    809 Central St.
    Knapp, WI 54749

    Bev's books are in several countries besides the USA including: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India, Africa and Mexico. Often, people have commented, "I feel I know you" after reading the books, and have asked Beverly to speak for different groups. Some include: Women Aglow, CMA, A/G, Writer's Workshops, Mother/Daughter banquets,Christian Women Fellowships, Interfaith Groups, and Seminars for women.

    BELOW IS A DIRECT LINK TO BARNES and NOBLE to search for books by SUBJECT, AUTHOR, TITLE -- yes, Beverly's books are there but not the Bible studies.

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    Pastor Jim worked for Wis. Bell Telephone for 18 years, and prayed as Bev did, "Lord, use me." He also uses all his talents for the Lord - and was very intrigued with the scriptures dealing with the Tabernacle of Moses. As he studied for the ministry, he also put in several years studying these portions of scripture, then built the FURNITURE to scale:

    This is a picture of Aaron the High Priest and Pastor Jim at a Seminar. He uses a small overview and Aaron when he cannot take all the "furniture".

    TABERNACLE OF MOSES furniture built to scale.

    Another view, showing the Veil that took 360 hours to weave!

    During the teachings on each individual piece, Pastor Kelly blows the Shofar [ram's horn] and sings the Aaronic Benediction [Numbers 6:24 The Lord Bless you..."] in Hebrew.

    For more, and individual pictures of the items in the Tabernacle of Moses as well as the High Priest and all the garments, please go to Jim's site:

    "Tabernacle" Here is a 'sample' of what you will see there:

    The most difficult piece of furniture to make was the Ark of the Covenant; it is also the one people are most interested in knowing about! Even Hollywood has gotten in on the 'act' of speculating. Pastor Jim is often asked, "Where is the Ark today?" With an Irish twinkle in his eye, he may say, "In my garage." Then he proceeds to walk them through the scriptures!

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    How long does it take to weave a 15 foot curtain? 360 hours!!!
    I saved this picture until 'last' on the Tabernacle information, because it will come as a surprise to most of you. Pastor Kelly is pictured here, weaving the Veil. He built a frame out of PVC pipes, and hand-wove the veil that stands before the Ark of the Covenant. He also did all the cross-stitching on the Ephod of Aaron's garment seen earlier in the 'Display' above.
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    This is the last church where Jim Kelly pastored and taught before he retired the summer of 2002. It is located on Hwy 141, 75 miles north of the Green Bay PACKERS! We enjoy the Packers, but our "Praise" belongs to Jesus!


    Through a mighty working of the Lord, Pastor Jim "un-retired" and was the Senior Pastor at Family Worship Center, between Fifield, and Park Falls, WI. Since then of course, he moved to Knapp where we now live.

    Jim and Lassie waiting to go for a ride.

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    I hear from some of you that you have never seen snow, and since it is one of the many beauty's our Lord blesses us with abundantly in Wisconsin, I have included two pictures here for you. We LOVE the snow, cold and winter. The above photo was taken in February; we usually don't have to 'dream' of a White Christmas, because generally we have snow from mid November to mid March. As we came home from church on a Sunday evening, the branches you see above, dusted the top of our car as we plowed through the 2 feet of snow that had fallen in just the 1 1/2 hours we were in church! It was beautiful! This picture was taken in the morning after the plows had gone through.

    Our Lord also decorates beautifully, and pictured here is an example. Snow resting on 'mountain ash' -- a perfect picture of the blood of Christ Jesus cleansing us 'white as snow'. ENJOY!

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    GOSPEL CHALK ART is being revived!

    Pictured above is Joshua, at age 21 when he drew "Fresh Anointing" for his "Grandpa Kelly" 'un-retiring'. He is licensed with the Assemblies of God and he and his father have brought a new awareness to the "lost art" of Gospel Chalk Art..... Often, they are a Father-Son team drawing pictures with chalk, that contain a 'hidden' message that is only revealed under special lighting. "A picture is worth a thousand words". Joshua, has traveled to the Phillipines to 'draw for Jesus'. For more information, click on the 'link' below.

    Pastor Jim and Bev feel it is answered prayer and humbly thank you, when you order the books and tapes. May our Lord be glorified, and YOU be touched by the Master's Hand!


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