Hi all, this is my family, at least pictures of everone i can get, with descriptions and stuff. The one's without pics, will just be descriptions.
Now for the general description. I'm part of a blended family. I live with my father and step-mother. I have a step-sister, and a step-brother. I also have an adpoted sister. We are a foster home, so everyonce and a while we have a few foster children here and there, but we only accept chldren, no teens cus they run away, or are usually mischievious. My mother has 4 more children. I have 3 half-sisters and a half-brother. And i guess her husband is considereed a step-father, but i never thought of him as that.
Now for their own page for each. :)
My "Step-father" er whatever...
The Second Oldest of my Half- Sisters
The Youngest of my Half-Sisters