This webpage is dedicated to my special cassette tape collecting friends world-wide!!!

The Bleus Cassette Mythos, Release Three

Created 31 January 2015

Introducing the Bleus Cassette Mythos, Release Three Project, eclectic forays into home studio, recorded
musical ambiance on cassette tape. Sit back and allow the music to transport you into the clouds......

Bleus Cassette Mythos
Release Three

Precious Requiem
Gazing into the Sky
Wilderness Pathways
Seventh Level Memories
Infinatismal Thoughts
Undefined Geospatial Terrains
Langrangian Dimensions
Borealis Forest Wanderings

Details of recording methods forthcoming

Original music recordings mastered & processed with SoundForge audio software, transposed to analogue audio cassette.
Final recordings accomplished using Nakamichi ZX-9 cassette deck, with TDK MA-Ex C60 cassette tape.
Recordings made without noise reduction enhancements.

Langrangian Dimensions

The Bleus Cassette Mythos, Release Quattro Project

Gateway to the Original Bleus Cassette Mythos Project

Welcome to the BleusNak CyberSpot Portal website

Email: BleusNak Studios

Created 31 January 2015
Updated 31 October 2016

cantici hubris maxi maximus

