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The Enigma Edge

Ring Name: Edge

Real Name: Adam Copeland

Birth Date: October 30, 1973

Birth Place: Orangeville, Ontario, Canada

Height/Weight: 6'4/240 lbs.

Previous Identity's: Sexton Hardcastle and Adam Impact

Finisher: Downward Spiral

Awards Won: None

Titles Won: Intercontintinal Champ- one day reign-July 24th- MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

**PWI 500 Rank: 67**

Description: He Was the tag team partner of Christian called High Impact and The Suicide Blonds. Edge is about as open as a closed book. Probaly the most mysterouis wrestler in the WWF. He is the older brother to Christian, Gangrel's protege. Edge and Gangrel did not get along very well, but have seemed to work together and be allied, the questiion is, have they been allied before?

Here are some pictures of Edge before competing in the WWF.

Edge Pictures
