Somewhere between spite and sorrow she finished her
sentence. The pause that followed was
saturated with regret. she wanted to
swallow the words that seemed so urgent before , but
just waited with her breath caught at the top of her
throat, knowing she could not get them back.
So many things came to her now things that wern't clear
before. She pittied herself for her indignant and petty
outburst.but he was weak and when she saw the wounds rip
open she attacked , power ... control...
Domination...they were sensual.. seductive to her and she
felt like a woman as she destroyed the man she respected
and loved and feared.
But it was the girl inside that took over now, she felt so
alone, and in her moments of remorse there was a
regression and an innocence that she wanted to
recapture.An innocence that would let her believe that she
didn't know she would hurt him . an innocence that would
let her fall back lovingly into his arms like none of
this had happened.She wanted to be taken care of coddled
because she hurt now, and the only person who could heal
her she realized was the same man who had played he part
of the cruel oppressor .She had seen enough of his vounerability,She wanted her man back.
But it was his turn now and all she recieved was silence.