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My Karate Page

Many people ask me why is my whole family in karate. The reason is that the streets are no longer safe in America. I can remember when I was little we would play outside in the summer until one or two in the morning with no fear of someone hurting you or killing you. I want to do all in my power to make sure that they have a chance to get away if they have to.

American Tang Soo Do Code Of Conduct

I shall seek truth, develop my hightest moral character, strive for humility, love my country, sacrifice myself for justice, contribute by example to the acceptance of Tang Soo Do as the most genuine of the martial arts; develop my endurance and value confidence and peace of mind.


INTEGRITY-all Tang Soo Do practitioners strive to be honest, sincere, noble,and upright. This virtue of integrity serves as the foundation or bedrock upon which all others stand.

CONCENTRATION-focusing our minds is one of the most important elements in Tang Soo Do, and concentration is the most required factor. It starts with "paying attention" followed by avoiding all other thoughts and rejection outer interference.

PERSEVERANCE-nothing can be achieved without persistent and repeated effort. The hightest goal is always located behind steep peaks which cost you pain and sacrifice. In Tang Soo Do, an enduring willpower should be cultivated.

RESPECT AND OBEDIENCE-this implies a tolerant and sincere effort to understand and appreciate the customs and the values of other people. Students should be able to subordinate their own personal ego or vanity to the instructor and to the dojang rules.

SELF CONTROL-Taoist Lao Tze quoted "Winning over self is truely more difficult than conquering another person. Control of one's self is needed for that high level of cultured character. Students should not lose prudence, but should discover self first and learn to control that self."

HUMILITY-Tang Soo Do training requires many bowings (Kyung Yet) through the entire training regimen. Bowing trains the student in self- respect and humility. Humility is a winning power against arrogance. Humility does not make enemies, but it brings you a winning sense and superior feelings. Blockage of this virtue is a selfish and egotistic attitude. Be humble, and continue to correct yourself, not others, then you will achieve your humility.

INDOMITABLE SPIRIT-a ceaseless struggle with adversity is one of the most essential elements in making you a success. In general , life is full of trials and hurdles to try to overcome. However the difference comes when you stand up and try again or you give up and quit. A Tang Soo Do student has an unflinching determination. "A winner never quits and a quitter never wins."

Karate Pages

In my studies I have come across some Korean Sayings
. If you have the time go read them. You will find them very interesting.

| Class Picture| | Sam, Charity and I| | Sam and Caleb| | Two Earilier Forms| | Board Breaking Demostration| |Adams Family ||Charity's Kick| |Korean Terms| |Where Dragon Legend Came From| |Karate Award| |Karate Award 2 | | Karate Award 3|| Family of Year|| Family of Year Award 1||Caleb's Class||My Tae Kwon Do Page