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How To Sense An Aura

What is an aura?

It refers to the energy field beyond the skin of the body. This energy field is somewhat subtle. Because we are busy and stressed, it is not a feature we generally notice. However, this layer of subtle energy has texture, color, and temperature. Experiments throughout the years have proven this concept. Kirlian photography provides a visual record of the aura.

Why do we want to be aware of the aura? Sensing the characteristics of the aura helps us to better understand our personal challenges. Being aware of other’s auras helps us to be better informed of how the other person needs to be approached.

How to sense an aura: For those who wear glasses or contacts, remove them. Gently focus your gaze on another person or your own body. Let the fuzziness settle. For clear-sighted folk , as you focus your gaze on another person or your own body, breathe deeply and slowly. As the minutes tick by, you will begin to perceive an ovoid shape extending out from the body(usually about 6-36 inches). You may note the general hue. It may take several practice sessions for some while others may already be perceiving holes, clouds, etc. in the aura. With subsequent features we will explore the qualities of the aura and other aspects of this very helpful layer of the human anatomy.


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