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1999 the Year of the Earth Cat

February 16, 1999 - February 4, 2000

On February 16, 1999 we entered the year of the reticent Earth Cat/Rabbit. Finally, some "Rest for the weary". An aesthetic year with emphasis on the fine arts, music & treaties by the fireside. A diplomatic and well-mannered year, in sharp contrast to the previous exhausting Tiger months of 1998.

The entertaining, yet delicate Cat peeks out from behind life’s couch to Entertain, to soothe, and to claim one’s innocence, in a world where true justice seems remote. Cat years herald changes in the law, Equity, and balance in executive offices. Charlatans, con men and tricksters beware as the justice and balance of Cat years also can bring excessive severity to wrongdoers. A Karmic year in that "what has gone around will finally come around", 1999 will focus on the desire to reach goals, settlements, legal matters, cause & effect, and investments of time. All will feel the pull towards quality, rather than quantity.

Mended fences and reconciliation will take precedent, as will righting wrongs and making restitution. Tense situations become more flexible and business and commercial activities will flourish. Changes will come this year, but a shadow of isolation will be felt as the true nature of the Cat/rabbit is "Detachment". The Cat nature has a tendency to avoid close emotional involvement, preferring a calm, status quo world of good friendships, rather than passionate romantic commitments. Refinement and good taste color this coming year, as the diplomatic Cat teaches persuasion rather than force nudging all towards the indulgent, the luxurious, and the path of least resistance.

An even-tempered, low-key year, in which we will all keep one foot out the door. Remarkable insight into creative and detail work, and prosperity to those businesses involved in the luxurious. Exotic fragrances, skin care products, cosmetics, fashionable clothing, and all things which titillate the senses. Dance studios, art galleries, museums, and concert halls, will see increased popularity during 1999. Caution regarding "missed opportunities" is advised, as the Cat can be indecisive, overly cautious, and the first to flee a perceived threat. As 1999’s cozy Cat year concludes, let there be no regrets, remembering that hindsight is always so crystal clear.

The Rat - Not traditionally the best of years for the Rat, yet much improved from last years "Crash and burn" melancholy. The fine-tuned Rat/mouse must still, keep a low profile where money is concerned and clear up any misunderstandings within the family promptly. The key to professional success is "Networking". Bide your time, pamper and indulge your frayed nerves while awaiting the exciting year 2000 of the Dragon. It is then, at the millennium change when you will be propelled up to a pinnacle of romance, financial prosperity and emotional well-being.

The Ox - Steady progress, with some loose ends to tie up. A great relief from the previous infuriating Tiger year. It’s no wonder that Oxen have been a bit cantankerous during 1998. Lick your wounds and prepare to lay down the mantle of responsibility which weighs so heavily upon your shoulders. 1999 is a time for you to rest, toss the drudgery, and indulge yourself in parties, celebrations, and romantic evenings building "castles in the sky." You DO remember how to have fun.

The Tiger - A slightly anti-climactic year for the noble Tiger after basking in the spotlight of 1998. Rest and enjoy this calm and aesthetic year. Consider staying in bed for a day (a crazy thought for Tigers) soak in the perfumed bath waters of 1999’s Cat year. Wine & dine business contacts, leisurely network and catch up with old pals, resting up for the panache of the celebrated Dragon year & millennium change.

The Cat - A pivotal year of turning points for you. The normally shy, and mild-mannered Cat takes center stage and becomes advisor and confidant. Cats become empowered, and exquisitely creative this year, setting the pace for their next 3 years to come. Career advancement, good friends, and financial recovery can be expected. Joyous reunions with old friends and possibly new additions to your family. Retrieve those shelved Master music recordings, brush off your dusty dancing shoes, and invest in that well-chosen IRA or CD you’ve had you eye on, and above all ENJOY this years velvet couch.

The Dragon - A favorable year for the outspoken Dragon. A peaceful home life, much more settled than this past Tiger year of worrying, unemployment and departures. The Cat sets a lovely stage in 1999 for the dramatic Dragon to command. Rest up, turn inward on your own personal vision quest, in preparation for the glorious change in millennium to come, which will be your own year 2000 of the Dragon.

The Snake - A very successful year is in store for the elegant Snake. The Cat and Snake speak the same language of good taste, regalia and beauty. A quiet, peaceful year for the Snake brimming with social invitations, philosophical discussions and personal indulgences. You may have to juggle previous commitments and promises against your personal preferences.

The Horse - An excellent year for all Horses is in store for 1999. Personally, professionally and socially, Horses will radiate confidence and luck - especially financially. Many Horses will add new members to their family during 1999. Those Horses involved in law or politics will be exceptionally fortunate.

1999’s Cat/rabbit year will be a time of considerable leadership, attending parties, and large social gatherings.

The Goat - Finally! Your life will change from one of ‘just enduring’ life to gleefully anticipating the next lively party or shopping spree. A beautiful and happy year is in store for the artistic Goat, as you and the Cat/rabbit are the best of friends. Dust off that sketch pad, throw a lavish party and -ENJOY.

The Monkey - Excellent business possibilities this year, including perhaps that "dream job". A tranquil time for the mischievous Monkey, assisted by helpful people who seem to rally around you. Social invitations, parties, teas and many opportunities for you to ‘entertain’ with your everlasting wit and sparkle. Team up with an artistic Goat, and float effortlessly through this entertaining and pleasing year.

The Rooster - Only a fair year for the conservative Rooster. Cat years seem to lag for Roosters who tirelessly "never put off for tomorrow what they can do today." Roosters don’t favor languishing around, and Cat years demand a slower pace. Rest up, recuperate and try to find solace in those Cat year activities which revolve around ‘appearance’ i.e. fine clothing, re-decoration, and collectable art. Avoid any kind of financial speculation, as it is not auspicious at this time.

The Dog - in 1999, the Cat/rabbit provides a quiet, safe place for the worrisome Dog to lay their head and rest a while. Dogs are "off duty" this year as anxiety is replaced with relaxation. The Cat is quite capable of protecting you for a change. Meditate, read, or finish writing that novel. Take inventory of all those ‘causes’ and reap some of the rewards of the kindness which you have sown. Many Dogs will also take that trip down the isle in matrimony this year. The Pig - A favorable year for the indulgent Pig. A happy and peaceful home life is indicated, with consolidation of financial gains from the previous year. The only risk is that of possible legal entanglements. Passive resistance to all antagonists is advised. Take a hint from your soulmate the Cat "Those who know when to run away, will live to fight another day."

Happy New Year!

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