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Contests, Lotto, Free Money, and the Referral

Researched and Written by Monty

Surfing the web has made me a very rich man. Not money rich but rich in knowledge.

I know my address better then I ever thought I would. Contests use to be such a pain to enter when I was kid. You would have fill out a form then mail it out and you lost money because of the stamp costs. Plus they were very limited.

Online I can enter thousands of contests in a day. Starting in December I entered every contest I could and a daily basis. Here is what I have won to date: nothing!

This is not meant to discourage you from entering contests. Someone has to win. A lot of the contests I enter end in a few months so I will keep you all updated on all the prizes that I win. I just want to win a car so I can say I won a car online.

My advice to you the contest players, only enter contests that you want. I started entering everything whether it was something I want or not and it was very time consuming. I really didn't need a ping pong table nor a 200 CD player. So the bottom line is enter what you want and have fun, it's free!

Lotto has never been so fun and easy. If you ever thought you had a chance to win the lottery, you don't! I play lots of different ones, is fun because you can enter up to ten times a day and they do a weekly drawing of three million dollars. So after I entered about 60 times in one week and matched 2 number on five of my sixty. So what it comes down to is never pay for the lotto again, it is a waste of money. Since you can play for free and your chances are about the same.

This is what I have won so far: ten dollar gift certificate for I won that from That is a straight forward lotto, you enter once a day and if you match all six you win a million dollars, other prizes include thousand dollars, gift certificates to, barnes and noble and cdnow. Also there is, it's the same story as the ones above. So if you had to play only three, play webmillon, luckysurf and They are all fun and free. We all could use a million dollars.

And the part you all want to hear about FREE MONEY! So far there are two sites that I use and can say that work., it's an online bank and when you open an account you get twenty dollars put in your account.

And so far the best pay to surf ever, You sign up and they pay you to surf and in the month I have been a member I have made over twenty dollars. That's like free online service. Okay here is the catch, alladvantage has you download a view bar. The view bar has to be open when you are online. It takes up about an inch of screen space at the bottom. After about a day you forget it's there and it only has to be up when your online. Free money is worth it.

Here is where I ask all of you to help me out. If you sign up for any of the mentioned sites, please you me as a referral. All the sites I'm registered as

but at you have to use IRV-730. If you have any questions about any of these sites or general questions be email me. Coming soon,, and other free stuff that I find. Thank you!

© February