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  • Attendance and contest idea. Make a soldier for each student. Have gummed stars. Give 1 for attendance, 1 for Bible, 1 for verse or anything you want.
  • Birthday Tree - Use twigs or make on another way. You can "pot" it in a styrofoam cup or bowl. Use a different symbol for each month. As each child's birthday comes up, put that symbol on your tree. Suggestions for symbols - Jan. snowman - Feb. heart - March bird - April Easter Lily - May basket - June flowers - July flag - Aug. vegtable - Sept. fruit - Oct. pumpkin - Nov. turkey - Dec. star.
  • Make a wordless book bookmark. Cut ribbon (however long you want your bookmark) of every color of the wordless book. (I add orange between black and red for the penalty for sin (Hell) and blue to tell about baptism (after you are saved - not a part of salvation) at the end. Then cut a rectangular piece of construction paper or heavy paper. Fold in half and glue ribbon inside. Add a sticker and you have yourself a bookmark!

  • Make a mini flannel board out of a kid's school box - glue a piece of flannel on the inside of the top of the box - glue ribbon around the edge. Color and cut out mini Bible figures to go with your lesson. Glue small pieces of flannel on each figure. Best used with small classes.
  • Paint rocks gold and let the kids earn the "gold nuggets" to later redeem for prizes
  • If you have trouble controlling your class, offer a quiet prize. King size candy bars work great and only cost $1
  • To teach your class memory verses, write the verse on a chalk board. Erase one or two words and see who can say the verse. Repeat until the entire verse is erased. (This is so the kids can say and hear the verse over and over and have fun doing it. Repetition is the key.) Also, give each child a copy of the verse written on a paper cut into an object that would help them remember what the verse is about. Example: Put Psalm 119:11 on a heart or Bible, or use a sticker of a Bible to put on the heart with the verse.
More Sunday School ideas coming soon!!!