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How do people commonly come in contact with the demonic?

For the most part, people encounter the demonic through foolishness and accidents. In order to discuss this, one has to discuss the occult in general. It may be easier (and more fruitful) to tell you what not to do.

Do not do the following!

The above activities are some of the most common ways in which people encounter the demonic. To further understand this, we must examine two laws which govern demonic contact: The Law of Attraction and the Law of Invitation.

Law of Attraction

First, let us begin by saying that one will usually not randomly encounter the demonic, unless one enters a home or building that is already infested. One wither had to invite the demonic into one's life and / or attract it.

Attraction and invitation are really one in the same. How can one attract a demonic spirit? First, a negative person tends to attract negative spirits. Negative people give off a certain kind of spiritual aura which attracts these spirits. These need not be demonic, but there are also such things as negative human spirits and these can be attracted as well.

People who are vulnerable to attracting negative spirits:

These are some examples, but the reader should get the general idea. Thus, the best defense against the demonic or other negative spirits is living a positive life and keeping personal problems under control.

However, personal problems alone are generally not enough to bring about a demonic infestation. This is where the second law comes into play

The Law of Invitation

In order for the demonic to enter an innocent person's life, it has to be given some sort of invitation. It cannot simply begin attacking someone randomly. There are various and sundry ways to invite the demonic into one's life. Most of them start out innocently enough. The most common way is when unsuspecting naive people play or dabble with the occult.

Ouija Boards

These are sold at most toy stores along with board games such as Monopoly and Checkers. Ouja, however, is no game. Here's the bottom line: if you play with one of these things you are asking for trouble. They are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Many of the most infamous cases of possession and opression have been caused by people who used Ouija boards.

Ouija boards are used to contact spirits who then can speak to the user. Now, many times no spirit will contact you and sometimes a perfectly benign spirit will contact you. However, the problem is when you sit down with one of these things you invite whatever might be out there to come into your life. If the demonic is already attracted to you for some reason, you will more than likely attract a demonic spirit. It will not identify itself as such, but instead will seem friendly. Sooner or later though, the truth comes out. By the time this happens, you will find yourself under demonic attack. Think of it this way. Would you open the door to your house or appartment and cry out, "please, someone come in." No. You would have no idea who might show up and what they might actually do. However, this is exactly what you do with a Ouja board regarding spirits.

The Occult

There are many other forms of occult activity or dabbling. Things like witchcraft or tarot are examples. Witchcraft is an especially dangerous enterprise. I don't care what you call it (black or white) all of it is dangerous. When you practice witchcraft you are calling upon inhuman powers and by doing so you are putting yourself in debt to them. Sooner or later, someone unpleasant is going to come calling.

Other occult activities that are most dangerous involve satanic rituals and black magic. Sadly, these things are fairly easy to come by. The Necronomicon, a powerful conjuring book, is available at most book stores in paperback. Never buy this book or read it. Certainly never practice any of the rituals in this book, or any other conjuring book for that matter. Also, never become involved with any kind of satanic activity of any kind.

To conclude, let us just sum up what has been said. The demonic cannot just randomly attack unless you walk into a place already under infestation or opression. You must attract and invite the demonic into your life.

For further information on this topic, please consult the books section. The Demonologist and Hostage to the Devil are especially useful and are the major sources for this page.

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