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Adventure 1: Return to the Library

The party along with the savage elves, treks back to the cave entrance to the library. Sir Orim tells the leader of the elves that he had seen the youngest of his three wives slain and hidden in the bushes along the roadside back in Gotthiet. He suggests that she has been replaced by a shape changer. The two travel back to look for the body but cannot locate it. The leader of the elves seems dubious, but tells Orim that he will keep an eye on his wife.
At the cave the party discovers three knights wearing black armor as well as two men digging out the entryway. The knights are holding a troll and a drow prisoner. The party engages the knights in conversation and after coming to the conclusion that the troll and drow might not be evil (the Paladin and clerics cannot detect any evil within them) and convince the knights to release them.
When Orim questions the knights a little too closely about their freshly painted black armor and lack of a standard they become nervous. The area is suddenly engulfed in darkness. Gruntrok feels something tug against him and combat ensues. There is a brief skirmish at the end of which the darkness dissipates and the party sees a demon-like creature disappear, as well as numerous slain elves. Gruntrok discovers that his map is missing.
The troll introduces himself as Thandral, and the drow as Greymayre. Gruntrok begins to dig into the tunnel as the rest of the group recovers from the attack.
It is not long before a second attack comes. Another demon creature launches itself into the air while a ground force of gibbering mouths, eyes, and teeth slithers down the hillside. Most of the party takes cover in the cave while Arya leaps into the air donning both wings and scales to engage her opponent. The demon attempts bring the power of all his fiery attacks to bear against Arya who is immune to the flame. She has little trouble dispatching her foe, who melts into an black puddle of goo.
Shortly Arya arrives in the cave and joins the rest of the party, but not before the drow launches a fireball that eliminates the gibbering demons. As the group retreats to the back of the cave they see the bits of charred flesh begin to quiver and reform.
Thandral shapes the rock to provide an escape and then seals the cave behind the party, blocking any further attacks from the outside.
After a short walk the group finds themselves back within the library. It is here that they encounter Shade.
Gruntrok, who detects that Shade is evil and realizes that she is also quite powerful and likely dangerous hits the “DO NOT TOUCH” button on his armor, which promptly self destructs. He survives the explosion as does Shade.
Shade is looking for Thandral, but upon seeing the condition her former master is in she initially has little but contempt and disappears into the darkness.
