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Adventure 2: From End to Beginning

The party (now consisting of the head of the Savage Elves, Shade, Erin Listerfell, Serena, Gruntrok, Orim, Arya, Thandral, and Armand) enter the library. After brief exploration they stand before a mirror with strange writing above it. The head of the Savage Elves knows the word (sort of) and speaks it. Upon uttering the word the party sees a flash of light and is transported.
The group finds themselves in a large chamber in the center of which is a sarcophagus. At the head of it is a 20’ tall statue of a Draconian looking creature covered in cobwebs and dust. When the party tries to open the sarcophagus the statue’s eyes flash red and it attacks. A battle ensues and the party manages to defeat the guardian of the tomb. They find afterward that all that remains in the coffin are bone fragments and dust. They exit through the rooms only door.
The next chamber the group find themselves in is a treasure trove filled with warrior statues, a boat, chariots, vases, tapestries, rugs, and casks of wine and food. Arya flies across the room, but the others who walk are set upon by six anhkegs who burst forth from the dirt floor. After another fight the party regroups and decide to head out to the right where they smell fresh air, and avoid the musty smelling passage to the left.
Arya and Armand scout ahead and find a chamber with a lavish looking pool in it. Armand heads back to report to the group that they have found a safe and tranquil place to rest and Arya stays behind to explore. Shortly after Armand leaves Arya is attacked by a Lurker above. The rest of the party eventually hears the scuffle and rushes to aid their companion. A Water Weird also joins the fray causing problems for Orim, but once again the party overcomes their adversaries.
After inspection of the room the group discovers several glass decanters that hold potions; some of water breathing and some of healing. They choose to sleep. Shade, who made her presence known when the anhkhegs attacked, stands watch over the group while they rest (though not all trust her and watches were attempted).
After a long rest the group heads into the next chamber which turns out to be some sort of place of worship for each of the ancients’ gods. Beyond the double door to this chamber they see light.
The party unlocks the door and open it to find a fey woman with glowing white butterfly wings. She tells them that her name is Spike (her real name being unpronounceable and all that). Behind her is a great black wall which turns out in fact to be Kryon, the ancient black dragon.
Spike tells the group that Kryon has no wish to wake up and that he would like it very much in fact if they stopped those people who were trying to wake him from doing so.
The party agrees and in return Spike supplies them with several items that should aid them.
