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Adventure 3: Hallowed Halls, Long Roads and a Castle in the Clouds

NPCs: Shade, Erin Listerfell

PCs: Serena Greymayre, Gruntrok, Sir Orim Windgrace, Thandral, Armand Darkini and Arya

     Spike’s teleportation spell fades, leaving the party facing the Maurian Hall of Heroes where they hope to find information about potential allies.   Instead they find Fineak, the extremely eccentric half-elven curator of the museum.  The dwarf and troll both offend his delicate sensibilities and are therefore not allowed to enter.  Instead they go into town and proceed to get very drunk.  Fineak informs those party members who were allowed to enter, that all of old heroes have left mortal affairs for one reason or another and are unreachable.  He then suggests that some more worldly allies (such as the high council) might be of greater use and offers them a guide for either Lankmar or Lancington.  The party decides Lankmar is the better choice and their guide, a Dwarf named Cuddles (who was a major NPC in the Bane adventure cycle), is summoned.  The party collects its two wayward members from a terrified tavern and leaves immediately.
     As they are setting up camp after a long day of travel the party encounters major contingent of Dracomoore’s army.  After a little questioning of a passing sergeant, it is determined that the troops are heading toward Lancington to meet up with the main army and then onward to confront Lord Aralias.  The party insists on seeing whoever is in charge of the troops, claiming to have special intelligence about the enemy.  They are escorted to General Maelstrom and the whole situation is explained.  After writing a quick letter of introduction, he sends them post-haste to meet with Lankmar’s aldermen.
       As the party makes its way onward they briefly encounter a small contingent of horsemen in strange armor following quickly after the main body of the army.  They then notice (mostly due to a sudden lack of starlight) that something massive is passing overhead.  Arya decides to scout the object out, but is quickly deterred by several Nightmare riders wearing the same armor as the horsemen who had just passed.  She does get a good enough look to determine that the object is the flying citadel, which either bodes very good or ill for the army it is following.
