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Adventure 4: Where Are We Going, and Why am I in This Hand Basket?

NPCs: Shade, Erin Listerfell, Cuddles the dwarf

PCs: Serena Greymayre, Gruntrok, Sir Orim Windgrace, Thandral, Armand Darkini and Arya

     The party soon arrive in Lankmar and are quickly taken before the city aldermen; consisting of an ancient blind mage, a middle aged merchant and a young half-elven cleric.  After brief discussion, it is decided to teleport the party as close to the Orb as can be done.  Once it is found, Orim will attempt to use the one remaining charged staff of planar transport to take the Orb to Bahamat’s realm.  The rest will be returned to Lankmar via a magic ring.  It is discovered that Erin will not be accompanying the party on this leg of their quest because her god needs her elsewhere.  Cuddles, also chooses not to continue on with the party.
     It turns out that the Orb is being held in a small pocket of the Abyss (as determined by Gruntrok’s examination of some of the local rocks).  He then uses his divine powers to lead the party through several twists, turns and a few battles to find the Orb.  During the final confrontation, Arya frees the spirit of her lover/mentor Alkanon into the body of a succubus, which he then transforms to look like his original.
      The Orb is secured in the left eye socket of a lich, who in turn is secured behind a powerful mystical barrier.  Rather than confront the lich, this whole situation is circumvented with a little ingenuity on the part of the party.  Gruntrok dispelled the barrier while Shade teleported behind the monster.  While it was trying to deflect an imagined frontal assault, She bopped it on the back of the head, causing the Orb to pop free.  During the ensuing confusion, Orim scooped up the Orb and the party successfully enacted its escape plan.
