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Adventure 5: Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire

NPCs: Shade, Alkanon

PCs: Serena Greymayre, Gruntrok, Sir Orim Windgrace, Thandral, Armand Darkini and Arya

     The party awoke to find themselves laying on a well kept lawn near a reflecting pool to the rear of an enormous manor house.  While assessing their situation, Thandral takes a drink from the pool’s murky water, only to be surprised by Orim suddenly leaping out of the center of the pond where only moments before there had been no one.  There is much rejoicing  at his return even though he was apparently unsuccessful in his mission.  He briefly mentions something of dreams, but then quickly drops the subject.  The party is again faced with the question of what to do with the Orb.
     The party is then greeted by, Veronica Willowcloud, Lady of the Mansion.  She invited everyone inside after warning them where they were (i.e. at The Mansion in the Vale of the Lost).  Her invitation was quickly accepted by everyone in the party, except for Orim and Gruntrok.
     While everyone else was making their way inside, those two set off at top speed for Lancington.  Their absence is soon noticed and the others head out to collect them and the Orb, with Shade’s help.  Out in the fields, night is falling and the ghosts of anchient warriors begin to rise.  These dead soldiers try to guide Orim and Gruntrok into an ambush, which is only narrowly avoided with Arya’s assistance.  However, the two still insist on their suicidal flight, so Shade is sent to collect them.  Gently.
       At this point, Gruntrok becomes highly beligerant (arguing with the host and attacking the Mansion) and momentarily suicidal (attempted hanging) but he is eventually talked out of such actions.  It is then noticed that both the Orb and Shade are missing.  Orders are given for her to return the orb, with no apparent results.
       Later that evening, most of the party’s sleep is interrupted by the sounds of battle outside.  The battle turns out to be between Shade and an enormous centiped creature.  She eventually defeats the creature and teleports inside.  While she is delivering the Orb back to the party she explains that Orim had lost it in his earlier flight and that the centiped creature had found it, endangering everyone. 
