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Adventure 6: Alrook

Adventure 6: Alrook

NPCs: Shade, Alkanon

PCs: Serena Greymayre, Gruntrok, Sir Orim Windgrace, Thandral, Armand Darkini and Arya

     As the party approaches the docks of Alrook, Thandral feels a strange tingling in his buttocks and a strange sense of almost being disconnected from his body.  However, it quickly fades so he thinks no more of it.  After almost a week of ship travel, during which no one in the party (other than Arya who can fly) was ever more than 10’ away from everyone else, the entire group was on edge and in need of a little personal space.  Consequently, the moment that the docking fee was paid, everyone scattered to the four winds. 
     Arya and Alkanon head for a bathhouse to clean up and “reacquaint” themselves.  Fade to black.  Orim uses the free time to visit a curiosity shop, where he finds a pair of antlers from the legendary Peryton, which still faintly radiate an aura of evil.  He buys them thinking that he might be able to use them as a red herring to confuse anyone looking for the orb.  Unfortunately, the lingering taint of evil in the antlers was apparently some form of charm/curse that makes him EXTREAMLY fond of them.  Gruntrok on the other hand goes off by himself in search of a smithy where he can commune with his god, since all forges are simply lesser aspects of the one true forge.  After his prayers, he divinely inspires the master smith (though a goodly amount of platinum coins did help) to craft him a suit of holy armor.  Serena searches for and finds a magical component and equipment shop where she refills her supplies and oogles over a few items of power which were to expensive for her to even consider buying.  Armand quickly donned his “old man” disguise and began to practice some of his less law-abiding talents.  Thandral spent his time trying to see the head priests of the local temples (those of Bahamat and a minor sea god).  Unfortunately, he was apparently the subject of racist attitudes, because none of the clergymen that he dealt with would allow a troll within spitting distance of their high cleric.  Even if said troll was very polite and promised not to eat anyone.
     While Thandral is passing between temples, a young boy sent to arrange a meeting between the group and some government representatives approaches him.  Thandral tells the boy that they will be gathering in the main square shortly, at which time he will convey the message.  However, when he is escorted from Bahamat’s temple, Thandral finds several men waiting for him.  There are two local guards, two warriors wearing stylized bird helms and surcoats emblazoned with a diving gold eagle as well as a blind old man in obvious mage robes.
     The strangely attired warriors are introduced as Eagle Riders, Lankmar’s elite guard, and the blind mage as their adviser.  They are one of several search and rescue teams that had been dispatched from Lankmar when the party did not return directly there as they were suppose to.  In order to speed their return, several extra giant eagles were brought along to serve as mounts for party.  At this time, most of the party shows up and the situation is explained.  Everyone agrees to wing it back to Lankmar, provided arrangements can be made concerning Gruntrok’s new armor.  The mage, who suggests spending the night and leaving in the morning, says he could use a little time as well.  Apparently his eagle familiar had just located the party and was heading home when it was suddenly shot down…
