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Adventure 1: Introduction



Wynter Ravich - Human Paladin (Paul)
Veblen - Half-drow Fighter/Cleric (Ryan)
Luthien Veladorn - Drow Thief Magic User (James)
Long Chi - Sea Spirit Folk Monk (Sam)

The party starts out at the Ogre’s Bastion, one of Bane’s larger and nicer Inn and Bar. Upon waking they head down to breakfast. It is a Sunday, and the merchants begin to arrive for Market Day. One of the first to enter the Inn is a Skrull Slaver by the name of Eric. He is accompanied by two warrior women acting as his personal guards, as well as Aria and Brian. Veblen explains his religion to Eric Deltrion, after which the party goes to market. Wynter has his fortune read by a gypsy named Sariah, who seems unsettled by the Paladin.
At the marketplace, a smelly black-robed figure brushes past Long Chi and moves quickly towards one of the merchants who is conducting an auction. After the smelly figure wins a bid he approaches the merchant’s daughter to claim his lot. For a moment Long Chi loses sight of the figure and the girl. A scream pierces the crowd, and when the crowd clears, the figure is gone, and the girl lies dead, her eyes gouged from their sockets.
Long Chi sets off into the woods after the cloaked figure and tussles with him briefly. After destroying a tree the figure escapes, and the rest of the party joins Long Chi and heal his wounds, which have already begun to fester. The Captain of the city guard arrives (Captain Fuller) with his men (10) and begin to search the forest. Shortly Velloran arrives and after getting eyewitness accounts from the party offers each a 100 gp reward for tracking down the person or persons responsible for the murder. The party goes to where Long Chi last saw the cloaked figure at the broken tree.

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