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Adventure 10: Orcs and Elves

The party heads away from Feather’s tomb back toward Bane for some well deserved rest. They travel for several hours until night falls and then set up camp. Veblen takes first watch, but is so tired that he nods off for a short time, wakes, and realizes that there is a person clad in white leaning over Luthien whom he does not recognize. He shouts and the others wake only to realize that their feet have been tied together. The thief escapes and the party quickly takes a tally of their losses. Only a few small items seem to be missing. The group settles in once again, this time with Wynter taking the watch.
A few uneventful hours go by and then Wynter realizes that all of the animal sounds from the forest have gone silent, save for a single bird call. He quickly rouses the others who once again wake up. This time the party finds themselves surrounded by a group of several dozen orcs. They wisely throw down their weapons and are taken prisoner, save Fuzzy who has disappeared into the night.
The party is shackled and led along by the orcs, who seem rather brazen to be so deep within the Elven Forest. Day breaks and the orcs bed down, leaving the party in a tent. The group finally manages to get in some sleep. When night falls again the orcs begin to move once more, but this time they don’t get far.
Several arrow shafts bury themselves into the first of the orcs, and soon the sound of combat can be heard around the party. Within a few minutes the party is left alone, and so Luthien begins to pick the locks. As he frees himself, the group is suddenly surrounded by elves, who are wondering why the human, drow, half-drow, and feline were prisoners of the orcs and how they came to be here. The party members explain their situation, and the leader of the elves, Talarian, decides to lead them back to Bane’s city limits. Fuzzy is told of the dead feline that the group discovered by the kobold keep, and runs back into the forest.
Upon the group’s return to the city they are taken before Captain Fuller to detail their journey. They are given rooms and a warm bath, as well as the gold they were promised.
The party rests, and the next day fuzzy has returned, looking much the worse for wear. The group then heads to the herbalist’s to find out what some of their treasure is. The herbalist is found to be in a slightly altered state, but she does offer some colorful explanations as to what the potions are that the group has found...
“It’s Urine.”
“It’s violet!”
“Oh. Potion of healing.”

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