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Adventure 12: Detectives


The party gathers at the Ogre’s Bastion to regroup. They briefly run into the owner of the bar as he heads out to the back to chop firewood and realize how the Ogre’s Bastion earned its namesake. After eating a bit they are summoned outside by Captain Fuller, who quickly leads them back to the keep.
Fuller takes the group up a secret passageway located behind the keep, hidden in the garden. He then guides them up into the tallest tower of the keep where the body of Velloran’s Doppleganger has been lain on a table. The Captain then asks the party once again for their assistance in locating the real Chancellor. It is also his hope to discover who is behind the conspiracy to likely start a war between the elven nation and the humans living within the city of Bane.
The group agrees to lend their assistance, and depart from the keep via the secret exit. As the exit the garden they run into the elven Princess, Tiszian, as well as her servant; a mage by the name of Fathan. The two are also most interested in discovering who was behind the attempt on Velloran’s life, though the party does not let the elves in on the fact that the Chancellor was but a mere pretender.
The party, now consisting of Fathan, Tiszian, Fuzzy, Luthien, Veblen, and Wynter head into the main audience chamber where the supposed murder took place. They examine the balcony and quickly learn the location of where the hidden assassin was likely hiding. The arrow appears to have cleanly penetrated a window, a balcony banister, and then the Chancellor’s head. The shot was likely fired from outside, either from someone hanging from the roof, or hovering outside. On a banister inside Veblen discovers some glittery dust, and some more out on the ramparts above the window. Also discovered are four footprints, smaller and lighter than those made by Tiszian, making whoever left them lighter and smaller than a female elf. The prints go from deep to light, and head toward the walls of the keep in the direction of the window.
During the investigation Fuzzy sees a light dancing about by the forest. She quickly bounds after it and disappears while the rest of the group continues to investigate. Shortly she returns, claiming that the light disappeared into a log about 50’ out into the forest.
The party goes to investigate, and discover a large rotting tree trunk. Luthien enters first, and crashes through the log into a hole, falling some 15 feet into a small underground chamber. After recovering from his horrible flashbacks the rest of the party follows Luthien, and they quickly discover ancient writings on the walls, much like the writings found before in the caverns below the city. Tiszian recognizes them and claims to know of an ancient elf named Nicadaemos who might be able to read them. She also recognizes that they are pre-elven nation, as well as pre-drow.
There is only one tunnel leading out of the chamber, and the group prepares to head down it...
