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Adventure 13: Things that go "Bump" in the Dark

Things that go “Bump” in the Dark

The party makes its way down a winding tunnel that periodically changes from being well crafted stone work to roughly carved burrowing. Eventually they come to a stair and enter into a great cavern that sparkles with crystalline rock formations made from the mineral water which drips from the ceiling.

The group makes its way through the cave and discovers a few tunnels leading out. Fathan also gains a glowworm for a familiar. As the party begins to explore further there is a sudden flash of fire and a loud explosion. Within seconds a wall of water slams into the party and carries them down one of the tunnels to an unknown depth, where they are finally deposited in a small chamber as the water finally dissipates.
In this room the party discovers a ladder going up and a trapdoor below. The ladder leads into a chamber up above that has what remains of appears to be some sort of library. The trapdoor looks as though it would lead down into another chamber, but the room is currently flooded.
The party finds climbs again and discovers a room with a domed ceiling. Luthien uses a clean cantrip to clear the dirt and mold from the mosaic that is painted above and discovers a map to the area that the group is in. The map is vast, and depicts a library of monstrous proportions. The library is circular, with a hub in the middle that has eight branches. Each branch leads to a set of five rooms, and the library extends some ten stories, suggesting that there are over four hundred rooms to go through. The party exits there set of rooms and enters the hub where they decide to climb up to the top. The hubs which are stairs that go off to other sets of rooms have decayed over the centuries and do not seem entirely trustworthy, so the part y opts to use their own ropes instead. Luthien makes his way up, and soon discovers that it is likely that the party is not alone in this abandoned library. Something is moving in the darkness above... When the dwarf comes crashing down from above after hearing the sounds of combat the party is certain that they are not alone.
Shortly the group is engaged by the creature above, and Luthien and Fuzzy bear the brunt of its attack. The others aid as well with arrows and magic, and the creature is brought down.
The creature is a strange one. It has the head of a frog, but has horns, and the body of a man, but with fur and tiger striping. It also has powerful legs and claws. Tiszian recognizes the creature as one of the fey; a member of what she calls the “unsleelie court.”
With the creature out of the way the party makes its way to the top of the library and discovers another dwarf in the adjoining chamber. He us close to death, but with the aid of Veblen and the others he recovers to a certain degree. His name is Tungsten and he tells of his battle with the fey. He also tells of the destruction of Thorn and the rest of his clansmen who did battle with a great purple worm. He guides the party back to the surface through the remains of the keep, which apparently was above the library.
The group exits the keep and makes camp for the night.

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