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Adventure 14: Into the Depths Once More

Into the Depths Once More

The party sets up camp for the night inside the ruins of the ancient keep. Veblen has the first watch, and makes small talk with Tiszian, who is meditating. He learns that she is apparently able to sense the dear in the woods, as well as the wolves that are hunting them. It is shortly after the party beds down that there is a rumble, which at first sounds like distant thunder. Then the earth explodes and with a sudden flash there is a hole in the ground just outside the keep. Luthien quickly takes in the scene and moves toward a body in the rubble and dirt, while the others arm themselves. The body is that of a woman, very slight in stature wearing what was once a very fine white silk cloak. She stands no more than 4 feet tall, and is wounded.
Wynter checks out the hole in the ground and sees little in it. He does note a flash of blue which comes form the forest, and detects evil all around him. He quickly races back into the keep as does Luthien, as figures appear at the edge of the forest.
The party opts to flee back into the ruins with the woman, Tungsten, Fuzzy, Fathan, and Tiszian. They reach the library and run across the top hub to the other side. Luthien opts to attempt to knock the hub down in order to stop the flesh eating zombies (for that is what is coming out of the forest) from getting to the party.
Within minutes Luthien hacks through the support beams holding the stairs and the hub up. The hub gives way and crashes into the next several hubs below it, destroying all but two some sixty feet below. The zombies across the way are stopped dead in their tracks. Unfortunately it seems that zombies have been dropping into the room that the party is standing in front of through a hole in the ground...
Combat ensues and the group dispatches a large amount of the undead which consist of humans, kobolds, and even Fuzzy’s former companion, a feline. Veblen and Wynter’s turning powers are put to the test as are the fighting skills of all. Eventually Tungsten is struck down, but not before he takes a good number of the undead back to their graves. The battle goes well until a familiar growl emanates from above, and a large creature is seen above. Oil starts pouring into the room and the party quickly evacuates. Soon the rooms above are a raging inferno. Veblen is nearly burned to a crisp, but somehow all manage to escape. The large undead monster manages to also set himself on fire. In the end he is dumped into the water below where he disappears with a splash. The party regroups and exits the library for a second time, and this time the leave post haste.
Two days go by as the party travels back to Bane. The trip is, for the most part uneventful. Once in Bane the group reports to Captain Fuller (Minus Fathan and Tiszian as a ban on elves has been put on within the city limits) where they fill him in on what has transpired. Fuller is less than thrilled, but is pleased that at least some progress has been made. Now it would seem that the fey are being controlled by whomever is controlling the undead, and so a better idea of who the true enemy might be is had.
