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Adventure 15: From Dark to Light

From Dark to Light

The group eats at the Ogre’s Bastion and begin to make sense of what has been happening around them Suspicions lead them to believe that the smelly man who is believed to be heading up the growing army of the undead may be in fact Velloran himself.
As the group eats the city is preparing itself for war. Guards are patrolling more frequently, a trench is being dug to surround the city, as is a wall of spikes, and torches are placed in 10 foot intervals all the way around the city at the forest’s edge. Watch towers are also constructed in preparation for what seems to be certain combat between Bane, the Elven Nation, and the Orcs.
The party finishes its meals and prepares to leave, when they encounter Joe; a crazy local who occasionally shoots fire from his hands. He smells bad, and as he leaves, his finger drops to the ground, much to Luthien’s horror. The group follows Joe to his home where they confront and talk to him. Veblen tries to entrance Joe into following him, and just when it looks like he might, his face contorts with stress and Veblen explodes into flame. The fire is quickly extinguished, but the party opts to leave Joe behind. He does not look well (almost rotting in fact) and wants to sleep. Tiszian sends a note to her father explaining the party’s suspicions via Luthien’s raven familiar. It is her hope that she can stop her father from simply destroying Bane, and possibly feeding the army of the undead.
The group decides to try to locate the stronghold of the necromancer who likely controls the army, and so enters the forest to find Priss. She appears when Fathan’s glow worm makes a trilling noise and looks as though it is concentrating. Whether or not the fuzzy little guy is able to communicate with the fay remains a mystery, however.
In any case, Priss agrees to lead the party to where she believes the necromancer to be. She leads the group into the center of town, where five druids have gathered. The druids have arrived to meet Misty de’ Lione. It seems that their business with her is concluded, when the eldest of the druids, an old woman with flowing white hair, turns to Fathan and hands him her staff. The druids then leave. The party turns to Misty and asks her to come with them in order to aid them. She agrees and Priss transports the group into a chamber below the city.
Priss leads the group into the banquet hall that they had entered when the first discovered the city below Bane. She then reveals an archway that no one had noticed before, and takes them even further below into a large chamber. It is here that she had expected to find the necromancer, but he is not to be found. All that remains is a circle painted onto the floor that glows when Priss walks along it. Also discovered is a strange necklace - it appears to be an elven figure, bound and hanging upside-down. The head flips open, and it looks as though a liquid can be stored within. The group surmises that the liquid was likely a poison of some sort; possibly a poison that was used on Joe. They fear that he has been poisoned and return to the surface in hopes to find him as well as the whereabouts of the necromancer, who has not finished his work below, whatever that work may be.
