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Adventure 16: Velloran


The party heads topside to find Joe and see if indeed he has been poisoned. On the streets they run into Wynter and the young healer he has brought. The sound of trumpets are heard as well and then the rumble of horses riding quickly through town to the keep. The horsemen fly the banners of Trace; the capital city. Veblen reports to Captain Fuller about the happenings that the party has discovered, and sees the twelve horsemen as well as their leader, who is identified as Lord Darkstorm. Veblen quickly leaves and rejoins the others who have discovered that Joe’s house has burned down, as well as two others next to his.
The group decides to enter the ruins below the city once more in an attempt to discover the lair of the necromancer whom they believe is behind the undead, but this time they enter through the secret door in the back of the keep and head down.
The way down is narrow and dark, but the group quickly discovers that it may very well lead to the ruins. After Luthien picks the lock of an old door the party enters into what used to be a winery of sorts and discovers many casks of vinegar. A skull ring is also discovered. They move on, and hear doors closing behind them. They move quickly ahead, and Fuzzy drops into a pit trap. They others leap over it and move into a large cave where they see a ragged figure seated in an ancient throne. The figure rises and shoots bolts of electricity from his hands. Fathan feels his staff tingling, and as combat begins he feels its power well up and to his surprise his staff blasts Wynter, changing his form into that of a great white wolf. Then the staff changes shape and acts as a longsword for the duration of the fighting.
The earth boils and several undead rise from their graves, and combat ensues. The large shambling undead which has hounded the party throughout their adventures also comes in from the tunnels, and it seems likely that he was responsible for shutting the doors behind the party.
The party manages to beat down the undead with little trouble, and even the ragged figure doesn’t put up much of a fight. The strange creatures that eventually attack from the shadows (more of the frog-like creatures and something that looks like a tree-troll, and a bipedal rabbit that looks like it was run over by a wagon) do give the party some trouble, but eventually even these retreat into the shadows of the cave.
The ragged man’s face is exposed and indeed it is Velloran, or at least what’s left of him. Towards the end of the battle he cackles madly as he is beaten down to the ground where he grabs onto the lid of what appears to be a coffin. The seal of the lid cracks and bright light issues forth just as Velloran’s head is cut off. The lid crumbles to dust and all that remains are a few items inside the sarcophagus, which include an oil lamp, a pouch of glowing coins, and a shawl. Luthien gathers these items and hides them away.
The group begins to explore and Fuzzy is discovered in the pit. She is worn and haggard looking, and has to puncture wounds in the back of her neck.
Luthien smashes the throne to pieces and discovers a secret compartment that contains flint and steal as well as a vial of oil. It seems to match the lamp he found earlier.
Priss also returns and tells the party about some of their items, including the lamp which once belonged to her Queen. It summons what she refers to as an advisor, and so by lighting the lamp with the special oil, flint and steel, Luthien summons Aria - a genie. Aria tells the group more about their items, but only in exchange for other things (alas, one hampster is traded away...).
The party gathers themselves together and returns to the surface, unlocking doors as they go. They decide to head up to the secret tower and there they see a horrific scene taking place outside.
While the party battled Velloran, the city of Bane came under siege from the orcs. They have routed the city guards, and have taken control of Bane itself. An odd site are the royal guard which had arrived earlier with Lord Darkstorm who are also seen attacking the city guards. By nightfall the battle has ended and the orcs have taken control of the city. The group decides to hole themselves up in the secret areas of the keep, and watch what takes place through the tower windows as well as the secret view holes in the halls above the keep.
