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Adventure 17: Tar-Nak

Adventure 17: Tar-Nak

The party decides to flee the city of Bane through the underground tunnels and hopefully come out somewhere near the place where the Druidic Tree once stood.
Shortly after entering the tunnels, Fuzzy hears the sound of metal clinking, and another figure is spotted skulking in the shadows with glowing red eyes. The party circles toward the figure and Veblen advances straight toward it. He is attacked, and a brief scuffle ensues. Very quickly Luthien yells at the creature to stop and an uneasy break from battle takes place. The cloak that the figure was wearing falls away from its face, and the party realizes that, while in shackles, the figure was no doubt part of the orcen force that has taken control over Bane.
The half-orc, as she is soon discovered to be, identifies herself as Tar-Nak, former commander of the Spine-Crackers. She reveals that her unit is an elite force and that they were the same orcs who captured the party. More than that she reveals that she herself was responsible for slaying Fuzzy’s mate. Fuzzy is less than pleased, but holds her temper for the time being.
Tar-Nak discloses that she had a falling out with the others in command, dismissing the invasion of Bane as foolhardy and ill-advised. It would seem that the orcen empire has traded Darkstorm Lancington for Bane in an effort to take the war with their sworn enemies, the Elves, straight into the Elven Forest.
Strangely, for a half-orc, Tar-Nak is extremely beautiful, and except for her green skill and rugged physique she could easily be mistaken for an elf. When Veblen points out the possibility of elven heritage, however, he is met with an icy glare from Tar-Nak.
The party, encouraged primarily by Luthien, offers to take Tar-Nak with them. They travel through the tunnels and come to a cave in. Fathan digs upward, causing another cave in and is buried underneath rock and dirt. The party quickly rescues him with the aid of Luthien’s unseen servant. The servant then continues the dig up, and then carries each party member out to the forest above.
After regaining composure the party makes camp in a nearby clearing. Tar-Nak, Tiszian, Fathan, and Luthien go to the riverside to bath while Wynter, Veblen, Fuzzy, and Misty go about setting up camp. Luthien’s raven also returns with a message from Tiszian’s father stating that the elves will hold for the time being.
Down at the river Tiszian is bathing, and Tar-Nak is cleaning her boots. Luthien is just getting out of the water when something huge splashes in from the shorelines and darts straight at the elven princess. Luthien dives in to intercept as does Tar-Nak. A underwater battle takes place and a giant crocodile is eventually slain.
Though winded, no one in the group is badly injured, and all settle in for a feast of crocodile meat. Just as all begin to bed down, several sets of glowing eyes appear from within the forest. Frog creatures and tree trolls beset the party, and terrible battle ensues with the group fighting for their lives. During the coarse of the battle Luthien is almost slain, and falls unconscious. The others manage to fight off the corrupted fey and, though injured (indeed, missing his left arm) and nearly delirious with pain, Veblen struggles to aid Luthien. This proves to be not such a great thing, for what Veblen did not know was that Misty had already stopped Luthien from bleeding to death. In his efforts to aid his fallen companion, Veblen reopens Luthiens wounds, and within seconds Luthien is dead.
The party gathers around their fallen comrade. Tar-Nak goes through his things and pulls out the lamp, which Wynter lights. Aria isn’t much help, but suggests that the group use the coins from Luthien’s pouch. Veblen tosses one, wishing for his companions life to be restored. Nothing apparent happens at first, but the eyes of the skull ring, which is now strangely on one of Luthien’s fingers, start to glow blue.
Veblen tosses another coin wishing for himself to be restored to the same condition he was in one hour ago. His arm reattaches, and he seems to be okay, though he does begin to feel a dull pain shortly thereafter.
The party once again beds down for the night, posting a watch so that their sleep might be less interrupted.
