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Adventure 18: The Orcs

The Orcs

The party opts to head back toward town in an attempt to rescue Tiszian. Before they can leave, however, they are surrounded by orcs. Tar-nak recognizes them as members of another special branch similar to her own. They recognize her as well, and decide to chat rather than simply beat the party down. Also found is an elf who was wandering through the woods. He hails as ??? .
After some talking Scathe, leader of the Rib Cracker clan, tells the group of a Asteroth; a sword that the leader of the orcen clans once wielded. The orc that wields this weapon will unite and rule the orcen clans, or so the legend goes. The problem is that the Goblin King who resides now in the Were Swamps holds the sword, which has been passed down to him by the goblin lord who freed the goblins from orcen rule. Tar-nak tells the group that if they can get that sword they can force the orcs to obey her, and that she will stop the war with the elven nation from happening, and also free Tiszian.
The orcs then leave, and the group heads into the forest once more, and soon spot carrion birds circling over something in the distance. The party moves in to discover what has drawn the birds. and finds a body. It has been hung from a tree and is completely skinned. Upon inspection the party discovers that it was a female, slight in stature, and possibly elven. It is Fathan who realizes by looking at the eyes that the corpse is likely that of Tiszian. How she came to be here and in this state is a mystery.
Also in this time Veblen places the ring from Luthien’s body on his own hand, and is possessed (minus his left arm) by Luthien. And the antics begin...
