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Adventure 19: Secret Weapon

Adventure 19: Secret Weapon

Veblen and Luthien are arguing (hand and body) when suddenly the ring on Veblen’s finger flashes, and the two find themselves vanished into a very dark place. In front of them stand two cloaked figures, both of which are dark elves. The first reveals herself as Lady Margon, and her aid as Kravenn. Both are surpassed to see the figure standing before them. Luthien gives them his name and tells them how he came to be in possession of Veblen’s body. The drow listen, and then take the two into a chamber filled with water over which there are several walkways. Luthien and Veblen follow the drow, and see that in the water are hundreds of bodies, all of which look like Luthien. They end up in a room where several glass vats stand filled with liquid and bodies; some of animals, some like Luthien. All have some sort of black growth on them which looks vaguely plant like. Lady Margon explains to Luthien that he was created here as part of an effort to grow the perfect soldier out of a drow clone and special plant materials. Combined with special drow magics, it was the hope of House Margon that a new secret weapon might be created. That secret weapon’s prototype was in fact Luthien. With that she turns performs a bit of magic of her own, taking Luthien back into the skull ring which is capable of transferring souls, and places him into a new body. Veblen finds himself back in command of his facilities, and Luthien finds himself feeling good as new. Perhaps even better...
Lady Margon seems content, and quickly sends Veblen, followed shortly by Luthien back to where they came from via a rough ride through the earth. Veblen arises to find that his body now seems to be permanently cloaked in shadows, and Veblen arrives with a pain in his gut; a combination of never having eaten and the plants that grow within him.
In the meantime Fathan buries the body of his Princess in the river, and Luthien’s old body was thrown in as well. The night passes, and in the morning the group awakens to an attack by a large crocodile, which is sprouting black tentacles. It is surmised that this is the plant-like organism that had been originally implanted into the body of the original Luthien, and that the croc had eaten it and become infected. A horrible battle ensues, and the beast is eventually defeated. The party decides to leave at once for Eat to retrieve the sword from the Goblin King.
