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Adventure 2: A Rotting Foe...


Wynter Ravich - Human Paladin (Paul)
Veblen - Half-drow Fighter/Cleric (Ryan)
Luthien Veladorn - Drow Thief/Magic User (James)
Long Chi (Sam)
Akrianna - Human Thief (Shannon)
Shryll - Dwarven Ranger (Dave)
+Spenorgd (Wolverine)
Bral - Ogre/Gorgon Fighter (Lucas)

The party starts out just outside the forest. After brief introductions and a reward of 100 gold pieces to each of those responsible for the capture of those responsible for the young girl’s murder the group enters the forest and begins to track the smelly cloaked figure. The group has also teamed up with Laura de’ Lione, a tracker.
The first place they arrive at is a cottage a few miles out of town. Akrianna and Long Chi scout out the cottage and find that it appears to be empty. In reality this is not the case. The corpse of a woodsman is discovered, which is missing its tongue. The cloaked figure rushes off into the forest and the party pursues.
Ahead a clearing is discovered. In the center of the clearing is a huge, ancient oak tree which has been adorned with wind chimes and eerie noise makers which give off a haunted sound in the breeze. Standing by the tree is a woman dressed in black robes. Long Chi dispatches her with a quick kick to the head. The party moves in. Upon closer examination the group can see that the women is nude under her robe, but covered in symbols painted on her body with berry dye and mud.
A few moments after the group has moved into the clearing they find themselves surrounded by 13 black cloaked figures who begin to advance. Combat ensues, and the zombies (for that is what these foul creatures are) are eventually defeated. With the woman being carried the party returns to Bane to rest, heal their wounds, and report their findings.

Move along...

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