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Adventure 22: The Sky Ship

The Sky Ship

The party discovers that the cause of the explosion of dirt is in fact a huge anchor that has slammed into the swamp. They crawl up the anchor’s chain and find themselves a short distance away from the battle surrounding eat. Above them they can see only lights that glimmer with the very low clouds.
Luthien decides to go invisible and crawl up the chain with his familiar, Caw, in order to find out what the great anchor is attached to. What he finds is disturbing.
Spanning some seven hundred feet in length is a giant ship modeled after a cross between a sailing vessel and a giant dragonfly. Several smaller vessels flit through the sky as well. Periodically the large ship will fire upon the city, with explosive results.
The rest of the party climbs the chain as well, and the group makes their way onto the ship where there is a brief scuffle with a pair of unseelie frog-creatures. They are quickly dispatched without much trouble and the party finds themselves inside the anchor room. They decide to sabotage the mechanisms that control the giant anchors of which there are four. As they are doing this and moving about the ship they are attacked by a vampiric farie which kicks the proverbial snot out of the group before they finally pop off its head. Luthien saves the body in his pouch.
The party moves to the rear and discover that the next room contains a small force of undead. They opt to head forward and find a stairway going down. Below they find a long chamber filled with cells and at the end of it various devices for torture. Luthien also discovers a suit of very special looking armor (a Twilight suit), but not before he finds the one prisoner who is being kept down here.
She is in sad shape, and can barely muster the ability to speak. Wynter, Fuzzy, Tar-nok, Darktooth, and the others head down as well and explore while the woman explains that the group she leave her behind or else dire things might happen. The group frees her anyway, and the woman responds with a pained look and the phrase “She is coming...” Veblen takes the armor and the party takes cover in the torture chamber as the door to the prison area burst open. Wynter discovers a trap door hidden in the floor. As Luthien lights the oil he discovered in the room on fire the party scurries through the trapdoor and down into a hold, and begin to flee to the forward section of the ship.
The fire holds off the undead and the woman leading them for a short while and the group manages to get to another trap door at the front of the ship. Wynter turns the undead they find in the room above and the party scrambles into what appears to be a storage hold for weapons. There is also a balista that fires explosive bolts here.
Tar-nok falls through a hole in the ship's hold, and Luthien leaps after her as she has the sword that he and the rest of the party had recently fought to get. Veblen, realizing that Luthien and Tar-Nak will likely need help, flies after them only to be chased by the the woman who has sprouted wings of fire.
In the meantime the rest of the party discovers a hallway filled with undead and balistas that goes on for several hundred feet. It seems to span one of the entire sides of the sky ship. Fathan makes a hasty decision and orders the rest of the party down the trap door again. He turns the balista down the hallway and fires.
There is a deafening explosion as the entire port side of the ship erupts in a vast ball of fire. Flaming corpses and debris litter the swamp below as the party makes their escape. The others manage to make their way to the ground by spell or pure ingenuity (minus the female prisoner who was killed in the blast), but their hearing is somewhat impaired from the explosion. Fathan slams into a nearby flitter ship and is nearly killed. He somehow survives. The woman attacks the party as they regroup in the swamp. She slices Wynter nearly in half and runs her scimitar through Darktooth’s head. Veblen then challenges her while wearing the armor of her mortal enemy. The woman pauses, looks to her damaged ship, and then takes her leave, opting to fight another day when the odds are more certain.
The party recovers, and Wynter seems to have survived due to a ring which bears the image of a wolf’s head on it which he had discovered some time ago.
With the flitter ship the party heads away from the battle and away from Eat.
