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Adventure 24: Goddess Re-Awakened

Adventure 24: Goddess Re-Awakened

The party awakens from their slumber only to find that they are no longer in the mansion where they had gone to sleep, but rather are chained to the walls of a round stone room, apparently underground, minus all of their cloths and equipment.
Wynter quickly changes into his wolf form and frees himself. Through a grate in the ceiling above Wynter can hear the yipping of what sounds like several wolf pups. He howls to them and they answer in kind, but within a few moments something is pushed over the grate.
On the floor Wynter discovers a small black metal rod and some debris. After exploring his new surroundings he eventually, with the aid of Fathan’s magic, frees the rest of the party. While freeing Veblen a hidden door is discovered (which Veblen falls through) and the group decides to make their escape through it. Fuzzy and Tar-nok are both missing as is Hector.
The party makes its way through a very small and cramped hallway. On the walls ancient writings are found that include five depiction’s of some sort of feline figure.
Veblen activates a trap detection spell after he is shot in his bottom-side by a small dart, and so manages to spot and avoid several traps on the way to the end of the hall. Where the hallway stops there is a statue of a feline humanoid. Veblen notes that it also is a trap, and that the black rod has something to do with it.
Fathan notes that the position of the statue matches the first position of the drawing on the hallway wall, and so places the rod into the statue’s hands. The statue rolls back and a room is exposed. Veblen notes that the entire room is a trap and that in the shadows in front of the statue there is a hole which goes down about 10 feet. The party decides to head down the hole instead of into the room.
Several more statues are found (four total). Each times the statues are disarmed the rod grows a few inches in length, and the runes move, until finally the party reaches the last statue in a large room. Two more human looking statues with ruby eyes tower above on either side of the feline statue. Fathan places the rod in the statue’s hands, and is lifted up to a doorway some 30 feet above.
In the meantime Luthien has climbed the wall and smashed open a window in the chamber. He slashes at some vines blocking his exit, which in turn slash back at him knocking him back down to the floor.
At Celeste’s request, Fathan gets off of the lift, which returns down to the party, but it is without the rod that Fathan has, and the doors above have closed on him. He opens the doors to throw the staff down to the party only to release a gout of flame down upon Luthien who was standing on the lift.
After recovering from the fiery blast the party places the rod into the hands of the statue which lifts them up into the room where Fathan waits.
Reunited the party makes its way up into a large chamber which houses a giant sarcophagus and some thirty statues behind it. A deep blue light illuminates the chamber, given off by glass scarab beetles that are imbedded in the walls.
The party notices a darting figure in the shadows, and then hear a scream from Celeste’s father, as Celeste neatly runs a dagger through Fathan. At the same times the figure in the shadows attacks and pounces on Veblen, revealing herself to be Fuzzy.
A battle ensues in which many of the party are badly wounded. Luthien manages to get off a darkness spell which stops combat, but does not stop Celeste from opening the coffin and sacrificing a pup to ignite the life force of the ancient Goddess of the Cats. The Cat Goddess steps out of the coffin, takes Celeste’s hand, smiles, and the two disappear in a flash of light and smoke.
The party is left to recover. Wynter quickly gathers up the 5 remaining wolf pups who are cowering in the room, while Veblen ties up Fuzzy, who appears to be coming out of some sort of trance. He also heals himself, and the rest of the party begins to patch themselves up as best they can. Cloths and equipment are recovered from the back of the room, as are the party’s familiars.
Once recovered (to a certain degree) the group begins to question the man who is supposedly Celeste’s father. He reveals that in fact that he is, or was until recently, Knox, Keeper of the Books, and one of the Gods of Draco Moore. He reveals that Celeste is also one of the realm’s goddesses from more ancient times. The two were observing Atrious in order to discover how he was to bring about the end of the gods, as foretold by the Fates. Rather than help him, however, Celeste betrayed Knox and stole his powers making him mortal.
Knox tells the group what he knows of the Pine Elves, the most ancient race of elves on Draco Moore, as well as of Atrius’ plan to confront the Lich King in order to bring his daughter back to the realm of the living.
The group ponders this for a time, and as they do Knox picks up Celeste’s dagger, mumbles “I’m sorry old friend” and runs himself through.
The party exits the temple and heads back into the village of Willow Brook where they return the pups to the wolves. The wolves pay the party their thanks and head back into the swamp. The party heads back to the mansion where they find Horace dead of a knife wound through his chest. Luthien takes the painting of the jeweled bird from his study and three horses are taken from his stable. The party also gathers up what food and water they can. At this point Veblen notices a parchment in his pouch that was not there the evening prior. It is a note from Tar-Nak that reads “I have gone to Bane to disband the orcs.”
The party prepares to travel.
