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Adventure 25: Ambush

Adventure 25: Ambush

The party leaves Willowbrook and begins the long trek back to Bane. They travel for several hours, noting that the wolves are watching out for them, traveling alongside the party just out of seeing distance in the swamp. As night falls the group decides to set up camp on a patch of dry land that is discovered.
All is quiet for the first two watches. It is on the third watch that all hell breaks loose. From the swamp vines move to entangle those who are awake, and tie down those who are sleeping. Luthien manages to get off a warning shout to the others, who wake, and then combat ensues. The wolves are nowhere to be seen.
Small sylvan looking people pop into the area, literally in the blink of an eye, attack, then disappear only to reappear moments later next to some other member of the party. On top of this a wraith moves into the area which seems to have control over the vines.
In the battle many of the party members are badly wounded or knocked out, though Fathan manages to hide using his staff to cover him with what looks like a tree stump. When of the foolish fey attempts to attack him he simply impales it with spikes, roles over onto it, and then returns to stump form.
The fight comes down to primarily Luthien and the Wraith who seems oddly familiar. Fathan can only watch as his friend is stuck down, and then picked up by a mass of vines. Just when it seems that the Wraith is about to execute Luthien, a tall man walks from the forest. He says simply “no.” The Wraith hisses at him and prepares to strike Luthien down, but before it can the man opens his mouth and a gout of flame engulfs the Wraith, which is utterly consumed by the fire. The man then walks back into the forest.
In the meantime Wynter and Fuzzy dispatch the two remaining blinking fey, and move to aid the rest of the party. They also manage to capture one of the fairies and tie her up.
The healers tend to the wounded, and the group talks about the battle. They realize that the Wraith was Laura de’ Lione and that the fey had dead enchanted blink dogs in their backpacks which apparently enabled them to appear and disappear at will. Luthien also discovers that the fey carried a simple sword, a hand-held crossbow, black leather armor, their backpacks, and nothing more.
While interrogating the prisoner, Veblen has a love spell cast upon him by the treacherous fey. She then attempts to free herself by making herself out to be a victim (which ironically she is). Pris is summoned, apparently again by Fathan’s familiar. At Miranda’s suggestion (the captured fey) Veblen casts a Remove Curse spell, which restores Miranda to an uncorrupted state. She stares about in shock as she realizes that she actually had intended to remain cursed and slay the members of the party discreetly.
Miranda restores her glamour, but her wings remain cut off from her.
Pris smiles wickedly and at Veblen’s (almost) insistence performs a marriage ceremony, linking Miranda to Veblen. Their minds now share some sort of connection, which means that Veblen will know if Miranda has a relapse. After the marriage Pris removes the love spell from Veblen. She then reveals that she is in fact in charge of what would be considered by humans to be the fairy “secret police” (or “Fey G.B. - thanks go out to Ryan for this lovely idea).
Having had her fill of the party’s antics Pris prepares to leave, but before she does she throws a crystal orb onto the ground. She tells Fathan to crush it under his heel, think of those he wishes to transport and the area he wishes to go to and he will be there.
After some discussion Fathan joins hands with his fellow party members, thinks of his chambers in the elven city, and then crushes the crystal.
