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Adventure 27: It's a Trap!

Adventure 27: It's a Trap

An all out assault begins to rain down upon the elven city as undead begin dropping from the airship followed by the corrupted fey. The elves began to fight back, and the party decides to leave. Before they do Priss musters her maic and heals the party, but in the process renders herself unconcious.
Through the chaos they hear a strangely somewhat familiar voice calling out to Wynter. It turns out to be Talarian, the elf who had rescued the party from the orcs. They follow his lead and head to the secret tunnels beneath the city.
Talarian tells the group that the tunnels are said to lead out of the city, but they are heavily trapped, and only a few of the elves high command know the way through safely.
The party opts to head through the tunnels and face a vast amount of traps ranging from simple spiked holes, rooms with changing gravity, to swords that explode when they touch water.
In the end the party safely navigates through the traps (with some pain) and end up in a room where a veiled woman leads them to the Black Pool. She explains that the Black Pool will teleport them to where they need to be. With that the party walks into the dark water...
