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Adventure 28: Flying Vampire Babies (from hell?)

Flying Vampire Babies (from hell?)

The party steps forth from the Black Pool and finds itself just outside of a little gloomy town called “Witchhaven.” They head into the city, quietly and carefully. Fathan has come to and Pris is freed from his body into her own.
The group heads into the city, sticking to the shadows. They soon hear footsteps on the wooden plank sidewalks. It turns out to be the city constable, who tells them that there is a curfew, and that after sunset they must be indoors. He then guides them to an inn.
The inn hasn’t seen much use in over a year, since the last travelers came through town. the innkeeper and his wife fix the place up and dust the cobwebs aside so that the party might bed down for the evening.
The group sleeps, but awakens to find that it is still dark outside. Veblen finds himself locked in his room, but uses his shadow powers to escape. The party eats and then decides to check out the city. Wynter and Fathan head one way along with Fuzzy, while Luthien, Veblen, and Miranda head another. Priss, who had gone invisible to avoid the scrutiny of the humans, remains in hiding.
The Wynter and Veblen end up following a shadowy figure to a nursery where they see a light glowing inside. They enter and discover a room filled with babies. Veblen peers in at one while waving his hand (which has a continual light spell cast upon it) in from of the tiny teething tot, and it hisses, leaping at him from its crib. Soon Veblen and Wynter find themselves under attack by little flying vampire babies. A battle ensues, which the rest of the group ends up joining. The babies are defeated, with the aid of the constable who also joins in the fray, but is cut down in combat.
As things calm down, villagers who had heard the noise exit their homes to see the scene of carnage before them; babies slain by the party.
Fearing the worst the party prepares for more combat, but the villagers apparently knew the secret of the vampiric children. The party is heralded as heroes, and they quickly pack up their gear and prepare to leave.
At the inn they are confronted by the head vampire who lets them know that he was ordered to watch over the baby vampires as well as the daughter of Tar-nok by one Vincent Willowcloud. He also lets them know that he is sick of the job and being banished to this village in the middle of nowhere. And so a”battle” takes place where Wynter “defeats” the vampire, who leaves the group with Tar-nok’s daughter.
Finally, Luthien decides to play lick and stick on his forehead with the gem taken from the Fallen Angel. The gem sticks a little better than he expected and he finds that now some of her powers are his, but the gem refuses to come off of his head.
