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Adventure 29: The Frozen Wastes

The Frozen Wastes

The party heads toward Lancington and civilization as they know it after a few days of some very much needed rest. With them is Crystal, the child of Tar-Nok. She remains sullen and quiet throughout the trip.
After walking through the swamps the air quickly turns cooler and mist fills the air for miles ahead. The party can barely see two feet in front of itself and is soon engulfed entirely in the mist. The ground is frozen, and there is little to no vegetation. After a few hours of traveling Luthien spots something looming out of the mist ahead of him, and all hear the clanking of chains.
It is quickly realized that there is a ship of some sort and a woman who answers the party’s calls. She identifies herself as Sarah, a traveler of the Frozen Waste. She looks to be middle aged with white hair and piercing blue eyes. Her ship is rigged to skim across the ice, and so the party asks her if she would be willing to take them across. She agrees for a prince, and the party climbs aboard. Inside the ship it is warm and comfortable. Luthien decides to...explore and finds a map; a map which seems to detail the location of what Sarah looks for in the Frozen Wastes - diamond mines. He copies the map and replaces it.
Sarah takes the party to the Alk'rin Oasis, where the desert that once existed throughout the entirety of the Wastes still has a foothold. It is hot and sandy due to some ancient magic, and there is a vast market and center of trade. Only a few feet out into the desert heat turns to icey cold. The party decides to explore while Sarah gathers supplies to continue the journey.
Food is gotten, and a magic shop is visited. It is there that the party identifies several of their items. They also discover that the owner has a book that he says was once owned by an elven mage of great power; Wraith.
Fathan offers to empty his pockets, but it is not enough. Luthien realizes that the diamonds that Sarah carries are very valuable, and that her map is even more valuable. He offers this information to the dealer, who is more than a little enthusiastic about the whole idea.
Luthien returns to the ship and attempts to force Sarah into a working arrangement. She informs him that the marks he thought were diamond mines are actually where some of the deadlier creatures lurking in the Wastes live. After a brief conversation Luthien convinces Sarah to go along with the plan by demonstrating how it would ultimately be in her best interests. She agrees and gives him two diamonds to use to get the book.
Luthien returns with the rest of the party to the dealer where he trades for the book. He and the rest of the party quickly head back to Sarah and her ship. The group departs and heads to Pyzar from where they intend to catch a ship to take them to the mouth of the Blue River and the city of Alrook. On the way Fathan decides to open his newly acquired book...
