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Adventure 30: The Book

Adventure 30: The Book

The party’s ship crosses the sea and heads in to port in Alrook. At about this point Fathan decides to open his newly acquired book.
At first the elf sees nothing but blank pages, when suddenly his mind is assaulted with supreme knowledge of magic the planes, and the universe itself. He knows. The others realize that all is not right with the mage, for all he can utter is “I know.” Time is required for understanding of what he has learned, and as it goes on spells begin to form in the elf’s head.
The party heads into town and rents some rooms for the night. As they head through the alleys they are attacked by more of the corrupted fey, as the sky ship they have faced before begins to pound the city. Streaks of flame are also seen in the sky, and the party realizes that they are in for quite a battle.
During the course of the fighting Fathan’s magical powers begin to improve and he starts polymorphing some of the fey and finally has the idea to polymorph the entire ship. Luthien flies him up to it and Fathan works his magic, turning the entire ship into water. The damage is done and the tide of battle quickly turns with the fey and the flame riders retreating into the night, but not before the Fey Queen and her red dragon make one final assault and capture Wynter, Fathan, and Veblen who, thanks to Fathan’s polymorph spell, has valiantly disguised himself as Crystal, Tar-nok’s daughter in order to protect the girl.
Veblen is grabbed by the dragon and the rest of the party is bound and boarded onto a platform on the dragon’s back. The prisoners are then flown to Lancington.
Luthien, who managed to escape capture by skulking in the shadows along with Fuzzy, Miranda, and Crystal heads out with his newfound companion, Cuddles the dwarf. Cuddles had earlier helped the drow in fighting the corrupted fey and then some goblins. He and the others hear a thudding in the sky, and Cuddles takes the group to his friends, the inker gnomes who have a skyship of their own.
With their aid Luthien (who has also found Atreius' head in a box, still talking) and his companions begin to follow those who were captured to Lancington.
