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Adventure 4: The Trees Have Secrets...


Long Chi

From the Ogre’s Bastion the group decides to investigate the mass grave that was discovered just outside of town. At the grave it is discovered that the bones are likely those of gypsies, and are not terribly old. Some are also located under the roots of trees.

A noise in the forest draws the party’s attention, and Celeste along with her father are discovered walking toward town. They decide to tag along with the group, who is now heading for the giant oak tree where they had previously been attacked.

Veblen sees a shadowy figure flitting through the woods, and the party takes up pursuit, tracking the mysterious figure to the oak tree.

At the tree they discover a secret way in. Celeste is dispatched to send word to Bane, while her father remains with the group. They enter the tree and descend a spiral staircase into and underground storage room. After a minor confrontation with some very aggressive agriculture, they enter a main room full of shelves, two tables (one covered in gore), and a bed role. Most significant is the pentagram with five shallow empty graves at every point. The party does a search of the room, and Long Chi finds a secret way out behind a book shelf.

The party follows the earthen tunnel for some time, until the earth turns to stone. They come to a joiner, and have a choice of continuing west, south, or north. There is a plaque above each tunnel that bears an ancient language that cannot be deciphered. They opt for south (the direction Bane should be in) and come to a vault with a set of mud covered stairs. They take the stairs up and find themselves in a massive dining chamber with a table and place settings. From here they go into a main ballroom where they find an old fountain which is overflowing with water which is pouring in through the ceiling. They also discover a way out above a caved in balcony. They exit (after taking a few goblets and silver place settings) and quickly find Captain Fuller and his men.

Veblen heads to the herbalist to check on the unconscious woman, and the party once again ends up at the Ogre’s Bastion to regroup and make plans.

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