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The Celebration of Three Moons


Long Chi
Wing Po

Once every five years an optical illusion takes place, caused in part by a solar eclipse. For the better part of one day the sun is dimmed by the moon, and two new moons join it in the sky above Draco Moore. The people of Bane have prepared for the celebration that accompanies this natural phenomena, and it is during the day of the Celebration of Three Moons that we join our group of adventurers...

The characters are summoned to see Velloran by a page, and they take their leave of the Ogre’s Bastion after a quick breakfast. Long chi and Wing Po meet for the first time. Long Chi also practices his discipline on a tree. Again.

The group arrives at Velloran’s Keep and is taken to a sitting room to wait for an audience with Bane’s leader. While waiting they overhear Velloran in heated discussions with an envoy from the Elven Nations.

Shortly the party is taken in to speak with Veloran, who begins by handing out 200 gp to each character; their reward for finding the lost girl and for their efforts in stopping the murders which have plagued Bane for the past several nights.

Velloran then tells the party of new murders that have taken place on the outskirts of Bane. Several farm families have been slain in a fashion similar to the earlier murders. He offers the group another 100 gp each to bring in those responsible.

The group goes to examine the bodies which have been taken into a vault below the keep. They examine the wounds (all except for Veblen who has been rooted and grown a bit more body hair after ticking off the elven elder) which are quite brutal.

With one of the city guard to lead them, the party heads east, where a storm is building. They discover the farm, and find a slain dog in the field, and a small boy down in a well. They also were savagely attacked. Wing Po realizes that horses were used in this attack, and the group surmises that this was likely more of a training exorcise than anything else. But for what?

The group returns to the city and decide to attempt to enter the old city under Bane, but find that the entrances have been sealed by the city guard. Luthien realizes that the night is a holy night, and that the druidic tree is likely where trouble will be.

The party heads to the tree, and finds that the guards who were protecting the entrance have gone missing. Long Chi approaches stealthily only to be attacked by a horrific monstrosity, and the others soon find themselves under siege by skeletal horsemen. In the center of the clearing by the tree is a druid, who appears to be summoning the storm.

A battle ensues in which the party nearly meats its match. Only through skill, guile, and a lot of luck are they able to defeat the undead and the witch at the tree. At the end of the battle the party closes in on the unconscious witch, and discover the nude form of Laura de’ Lione. She has mysterious runes and vile marks painted over her body. The group binds her and returns with her to Velloran’s Keep.

Velloran is roused and takes Laura into custody for questioning and trial. The woman who had slept for so long at the herbalists wakes up, and tells the party that she is Laura's sister, Misty de' Lione, and part of a druidic order that Laura had betrayed. After listening to her story the party returns to the Ogre’s Bastion.

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