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Adventure 6: Fuzzy


The sun rises and the party awakens to a beautiful day. Wynter goes to the city secretary to retrieve his gold, and the rest of the party opts for food. Breakfast is served, and the party learns through the bartender that Laura de’ Lione is to be burned at the stake at four in the afternoon. It seems that not all of the party members are happy with the news, and the question is brought up; what happened to the foul smelling, dark cloaked figure from the market square murder, and what became of the giant shambling undead that disappeared during the prior evening’s battle by the Druid’s Tree?
Two guardsman who had just come off duty entered the Ogre’s Bastion, and the party eagerly offered them food in exchange for news on what was to become of Laura. They confirmed that indeed she was to be burned at the stake later that day. Misty de’ Lione also entered the Bastion and chatted with the group.
Shortly a small boy enters the bar and turns out to be the son of one of the guardsman. He tells the boy to run along, but the child is insistent that he has found something; a wounded woman that looks like a cat. The guard grudgingly agrees to follow the boy, who has gotten the party’s attention as well.
The boy leads the group into the forest, again to the west of town. There is a small cliff with a large tree above it where the party discovers blood and a blood trail that goes over the edge. Veblen and Luthien make there way down using a rope and discover that there is something wounded and hissing inside a cave within the cliff side.

After a bit of trust testing, Veblen uses a sleep spell to calm the wounded thing in the cave. He then tends to her wounds and the woman eventually wakes up. At first she seems unwilling to trust the group, but when Akrianna discovers that she speaks and understands a little of the fey-folk language, he apparently sets her mind at ease.
The woman is a feline, and Akrianna finds that her name means something close to “Stalks at Night.” The groups opts to call her “Fuzzy.” The arrows that she had been shot with were crude, and she spoke to Akrianna of “dogs” and a “house” far to the northeast.

Fuzzy returns to Bane with the party, but not before they visit the Druid’s tree. There they discover that the tree has collapsed and the rooms below it have been caved in as well. Misty is obviously distressed, but has no choice but to accept the loss of the Druidic holy place, and so the party burns what is left of the tree to the ground. Veblen consecrates the earth in an effort to purge some of the evil from the area.

The party returns to Bane with Fuzzy. Veblen has his hair problem solved by Luthien's cantrip and is suddenly completely bald.
The party goes to the town square to witness Laura’s execution. She is taken to the stake in front of the townspeople gathered in the main square and the pyre is lit. The flames quickly engulf the woman, who screams and then, much to everyone’s surprise, explodes sending a blast of flame and shrapnel through the crowd. In the ensuing chaos many people are trampled as most of the townspeople panic and run. Wolves are heard howling and yipping in the woods, and the city guards quickly form a perimeter and begin to create order. The howling quickly recedes, and the party is left standing in the square.

The party quickly fills in Captain Fuller about the crude arrows and the keep to the north. He asks the party if they would be willing to do a little scouting to the northeast to see what might be there. It does not seem like a coincidence that the city guards have already found that the wolves’ tracks seem to be heading in that direction...

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