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Adventure 7

The Keep



So into the woods the party went; Wynter, Veblen, Luthien, Akrianna, and Fuzzy. They traveled to the northeast, and eventually set up camp before the darkness came. In the morning they awoke unharmed by the woodland creatures and continued on towards the keep that was rumored to be only a few more hours away.

After a time the party noticed that they seemed to be traveling on an old road, and off in the woods they began to see mounds. Upon closer inspection of one of these mounds it is discovered that quite likely they were once foundations of some ancient buildings; likely part of a city. In the distance Luthien spots the keep.

Luthien moves quietly ahead with Fuzzy, who scales the wall of the keep and moves up onto the half collapsed roof. Veblen and Wynter remain behind. In the leaves Veblen discovers the remains of what appears to be a feline like Fuzzy.

Enter the wolves; frisky fellows who like to eat what they deem to be intruders. Luthien is treed, and Veblen and Wynter are captured by a band of kobolds.

Wynter manages to pretend that the rusty manacles which bind his hands have actually locked, while Veblen at first decides to struggle, is shot, and wisely allows himself to be bound.

While Luthien battles the kobolds in the woods, Veblen and Wynter are led around to the front of the keep where yet more kobolds and wolves are waiting. The wolves move into the woods to investigate the battle, and the kobold leader begins to bark orders. It is then that Fuzzy reveals herself by springing down into the midst of the enemy, and combat ensues. Veblen quickly frees himself, and the group (minus Akrianna who quickly disappears) fights for its life.

The kobolds are quickly dispatched, as are most of the wolves. Luthien falls prey to a wolf double team, but is quickly rescued and bandaged up. With the kobolds out of the way the party turns its attention to the keep.

The keep was, in its day, rather magnificent and imposing. Even with its roof caving in, and its front rooms gutted for the kobolds’ lair, it is easy to tell that some sort of royalty once resided here. It is here that Wynter finds a hampster.

The party decides to go down the first remaining hallway to the right, and reach a locked door. They hear a slight humming on the other side.
Veblen breaks through the door and drops a lighted torch into the room. It becomes clear at that point what the humming was coming from. Hundreds of bees swarm the party, and they quickly flee the keep and run for the fire that the kobolds left under the tree Luthien had once hidden in. The smoke drives the bees away, and the party waits for the swarm to calm down. After several minutes they return to the hallway and the door at its end. Upon a closer inspection it is revealed that the room, which was once likely some sort of library, has become a giant hive. The group decides to try the next hall.

Down the second hallway to the right the group finds another locked door. Above it is strange writing, something akin to the writing discovered in the sewers below Bane. The party discovers a key hidden within a drawer and some illegible papers which they use to unlock the door. Beyond the door is a spiral staircase which leads far below the keep.

Underground the party discovers a long hallway with boxes (and the remains of boxes) which once held provisions, as well as barrels of ale and wine. The walls of the hallway are highly detailed and look very much like the walls of a cave, but upon very close inspection it is discovered that they were crafted to appear that way. Beyond the facade is more stonework like that of the floor. It is much more blocky, but fitted together with amazing precision. It becomes obvious that there were two architects involved in the construction of the tunnels.
Beyond the hall the group walks down another small flight of stairs into a room that once was used as a bathhouse. Four pools of water which have overflown and fallen into disrepair are discovered. There is also about an inch of water on the floor.

As of yet there has been no sign of the smelly dark cloaked fellow from the market square or any more kobolds.

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