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Adventure 9: Feather's Tomb (Part 2)

Feather’s Tomb (Part 2)

The party enters the next hallway and quickly move down it only to discover that it comes to a dead end. On either side there is a balcony and the group sees eight gargoyles lining it. Upon inspection the gargoyles are found to be regular statuary, but the floor and ceiling are not as they appear to be. The party is set upon by a lurker above and quickly fight to free Luthien from its grip. The battle goes well for the group, and Luthien is eventually freed, but not without some scarring.
At the end of the hallways is a statue of a young elven woman. The statue is easily moved to one side and the group discovers a hidden door. Beyond the door a small room is discovered which has inside it a smaller statue which has been placed on a table. Luthien discovers a dart trap which is easily disarmed and the group takes the statue. A word is discovered on the base of the statue which reads in elven “entertain.”
Down the next hallway the party finds themselves in another dead end, this time by a statue of a great white tiger. Luthien notes that there is a gemstone missing from one of the eyes, much like the one he found in the garden. He places the stone in the eye and the gems flash red. The tiger animates and demands a sacrifice, and the group quickly places the statue in front of it onto a marble block. The statue is cut down by a flash of light from the Tiger’s eyes, and the Tiger returns to its place and a doorway behind it opens.
The group goes through the doorway into a chamber with a sarcophagus in the middle of it. The figure of a female centaur whose hands shield her eyes from the light of the sun is carved on the top of the coffin. There is also a suit of armor standing in on e corner and a scroll rack which at one time stood up against a wall, but has been knocked over. There is also a book on the floor. Two scrolls are found to be intact (Magic Missile and Water Breathing) and it is discovered that the book is a spellbook. The walls of the room have been pitted with large holes some four feet in diameter.
Within a few minutes the party discovers what has been making the holes as a large Umberhulk charges into the chamber. At the same time the Vampyre that had lain within the crypt wakes up and is hungry as well... A horrible battle ensues in which all of the lives within the Cats-eye jewel are used to keep the party alive. Eventually victory comes to the group, and the Umberhulk and the Vampyre are defeated.
Found on the corpse of the woman with the crypt is a ring. Also discovered is a magnificent jeweled bird, mechanical in nature. It seems to be broken and is missing a few gemstones, though it is still quite beautiful to look at.
The party soon finds itself transported back to the chamber within the tree, and quickly leave to lick their wounds, both physical and mental.

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