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The township of Bane was founded and is currently under the direct control of Counselor Velloran. The city is deep within the Elven Forest, and was constructed on the ruins of another ancient city that had been abandoned long ago.
While there is no river or lake, Bane survives due to a natural spring which is located in the center of the market square. Velloran engineered a system of underground aqueducts in order that some irrigation may take place near the city. Velloran also set up a treaty with the elven nations who live in the forest surrounding the city. It is certain that without this treaty the city of Bane would cease to exist.
Originally the city was small, surviving on a small lumber industry and trade. Every Sunday there is a general market which the entire town turns out for. This market has grown with the city, and when the city’s population exploded after the destruction of Lancington the market became famous, and many a merchant will travel a great distance in order to hock his or her wares at Bane’s market square.
In order to run his city, Velloran created an advisory council to aid him. This council includes the following members from the following guilds:

Kali Anest, from the Merchant’s Guild
Master Jerome, from the Crafter’s Guild
Lady Torrey, from the Entertainment Guild
Marcus, from the Guild of Acquisition
Captain Fuller, from the City Guard

The Merchant’s Guild has representatives from almost every major city across Draco Moore.
The Crafter’s Guild provides some of the finest woodwork in all the land.
The Entertainment Guild provides services from minstrels to ladies of the night, and has connections to the Guild of Acquisition.
The Guild of Acquisition is simply the local Thieve’s Guild, which has been made a legal body (within reason) which aids the city in acquiring items that it needs. Velloran has found it prudent to allow this guild to exist rather than attempt to stamp it out, which has worked to his advantage on many occasions.
All in all Bane has proven to be one of the few success stories after the Invasion. It prospers as a city of trade, and has made Velloran a very rich and powerful man. Many races travel through its streets, and it is one of the few places where most everyone has been able to get along, but as the city grows, so does the tension.

