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The Gods of Draco Moore

LE Tiamat - Queen of Darkness
LN Cinder - Lord of Flames
LG Bahamat - Paladin of Truth
L Wisdom - Lord of Well Being
NE Axis - King of Balance and Lies
N Exeral - Protector of Knowledge
NG Havana - Queen of Peace
CE Lich King - Lord of Death
CN Keterin - Keeper of the Books
CG Knox - The Tree Keeper
G Joffre - Lord of the 7th Heaven
E Asmodeus - Devil, Ruler of the Abyss
C Efrity - Lady of Destruction
--- Lord Soth - Administrator of the Gods

Other Gods*

Tarax God of Snakes (Yaun Ti)
Lolth Goddess of Spiders (Drow)
Talisman God of the Stars (Any N)
Akronar God of the Claw (Wemic)
Tjick-Kyatch God of the Thri-Kreen
Aquiantee Goddess of the Sea (Sea Folk: no Evil)
Silveria Goddess of Nature (Elves)
Baphomet Demon Lord of the Minotaur
Yeenghu Demon Lord of Gnolls
Duergon Master of Time (True N)
Tarakian Protector of the Land and People (any Good)
Charr Consumer of Souls (any Evil)
Incantari God of the Shihobi

*These are not the only gods, but are some of the more common and easily recognized ones.

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