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The Story So Far...

The characters were hired by Arianna, a half elf and half feline priestess, to act as her escort from Draco Moore to the Living Lands; a journey that would involve a lengthy voyage across the Never Ending Sea. In the course of their journey the party ended up on an uncharted island and discovered a pair of elves, Talia and Tagros, who guarded an ancient secret; the Well of Life.
Upon their arrival in the Living Lands the party soon found themselves hunted and entangled in a mystery that seemed to hinge upon a map that Gruntrok had made of their journey from the island. The party has recently discovered that the Well of Life draws its power from and ancient black dragon who slumbers below the island and that Lord Aralias, self-proclaimed leader of Shakron City, will likely stop at nothing to get his hands on the map that Gruntrok created.
Aiding the party is a Knight of Summerfell named Erin Listerfell and a soulpire called Alkanon.
Our story picks up in the city of Gottheit where the party has encountered a group of wolf-riding elves who are interested in an underground library that the party had discovered a few days prior...
