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My name is Thandral and my past is dim.  All that I really remember are flitting images, (a beautiful drow with silver wings, an nautilus shell, a wind swept tower, a perfect white orb, and dragons enough to blot the stars from the sky...) a few names, (Drinn, Sebastion, Maur, Perdue, Drake...) and an evil so pure it would cause the dark lords of Ravenloft to blanch. The darkness was my own, freely chosen and willfully done.  It is now my task to set right that which I made so wrong. I know that this trollish body is not the first form that I have worn nor even the second. Talon (both my warden and mentor) tells me that it was this darkness of soul which corrupted my current form, making my outer shape reflect my inner vileness.  Yet in this horrid body I have, for the first time in several life times, found true peace.  I finally know my place in the natural order and strive to up hold the cycle of life. The time has come for me to leave the safety of Talon's secreted haven and face the consequences of my former life, without her protection.  Many of the creatures I wronged are certain to seek their revenge, but the ones who counted themselves as my allies concern me more.  The former can only kill me, while the latter might be able to do far worse.  Talon is sending me to an enclave of good drow and hints that, that is only the first leg of a great journey.
