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Location: The city of Willowbrook enjoys and ideal location. Situated on the highest elevation of the Were Swamps, Willowbrook has ready access to dry land for growing crops and herding animals. Willowbrook is located several days for the city of Eat and thusly also has access to trade routes as well.

History: Willowbrook was founded after several major cities within the Were Swamps were flooded and destroyed. While most of the population from those cities decided to move on to safer places, a few decided to stay and rebuild. A location was found where an ancient temple stood which also happened to be on the highest ground in the swamp. Plans were made to build the new city here.
Rather than destroy the ancient temple and potentially anger the gods who were once worshipped there, the founders of Willowbrook decided to build their city just to the south of the temple. They placed their own cemetery in front of the temple and planted large trees dividing the two locations, so that today the temple cannot be seen from the township.
Within a few years the city of Willowbrook had established itself as a minor trade community. The ground was dry enough that crops could be grow and animals could be raised. With the aid of a wise old man several lanterns were placed around the borders of the city. The light from these lanterns keeps the plants of the swamp at bay, as well as other creatures that live within the Were Swamp, and so the city has not become overgrown through the years.
The name “Willowbrook” comes from the fact that a small stream burbles forth from the temple and provides the city with a supply of fresh water which the populace gathers from a well located in the city square. This public well was built by the rulers of Eat and was a gift, as well as the giant willow tree that grows in the middle of the square.
